10-15 minutes after I got on the game I got booted randomly. Now I can't log back in. First I was getting stuck at the Announcements screen where it said "Could not retrieve announcements" and I'd get the "Login failed" message, then after 5 minutes of repeatedly trying, the announcements started to show up again and I could make it to my character selection screen. I would make my selection and after a minute or 2 I would get the "Could not connect to server" error. I closed the game and started it back up and now I'm stuck at the announcements screen again. "Could not retrieve announcements" but it still takes me to the character selection screen but when I select my character, after a minute or 2 of "Requesting character load...", I'm getting sent back to the main menu and getting "Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection". I'm still connected to, and haven't LOST connection to, xbox live. I tried hopping on battlefield 4 and of course that works perfectly fine. What's going on here?
Edited by Infinite12 on November 20, 2015 3:46PM [GT: INFINITE12] XB1 I NA I DC PRIMARILY I
My Characters
Ragnhild VR16 Nord DK I 2h/Bow (PVP) or 2h/Dual Wield (PVE)
Nakothre VR7 Khajiit I Dual Wield/2H (PVP)
Infinitesmo VR16 Imperial NB I 2h/Bow (PVP)
Tip: If you don't like funerals don't kick sand in a ninja's face