Is PVP better or worse with these latest updates?

Edited by Emperor_Will on October 14, 2015 1:18PM

Is PVP better or worse with these latest updates? 126 votes

Yes, i prefer how pvp is now.
bsmorrowb14_ESOwackattackasarahvhoffb14_ESOKasMatterondsa.adab16_ESOdamtotb16_ESOcontact.opiumb16_ESOElara_NorthwindAra_ValleriaDredlordTheHugeDwarfAenlirSotha_SilDyrideKenaPKKmertustaShogunamixarguideb17_ESOSureshawt 53 votes
No, it was better how it was before.
AlomarEzarethArmitasTheLawcurlyqloub14_ESOIllumousMJWesslingb14_ESOVynnlolo_01b16_ESOMawhonic1990Iruil_ESOBelethornbriandivisionb16_ESOTannakaobiAllPlayAndNoWorkLava_CroftAltaris16_ESOWycksmklundub17_ESOjuha.smedsneb18_ESO 73 votes
  • Egonieser
    No, it was better how it was before.
    My main issue is the -50% damage nerf. Instead of adjusting the 1-shooting skills from before, they gave EVERYONE huge blanket nerf that rendered many builds useless and not viable, limiting the already limited meta even more.
    Edited by Egonieser on October 14, 2015 1:28PM
    Sometimes, I dream about...cheese...

    Dermont - v16 Pompous Altmer Sorcerer (With a very arrogant face!)
    Egonieser - v16 Nord Stamina Dragonborn Wannabe
    Endoly - v16 Tiny Redguard Sharpened MaceBlade
    Egosalina - v16 Breton Cheesus Beam Specialist
    Egowen - v16 Dunmer Whipping Expert (Riding crops eluded her)
    (Yes, I had to grind all these to v16)
    Akamanakh - lvl 22 Khajiit GankBlade (Inspired by Top Cat)
    Targos Icewind - lvl 34 Imperial (Future) Jabplar
    (CP 830+)

    PC - EU
  • briandivisionb16_ESO
    No, it was better how it was before.
    50% damage nerf becomes 75% when your group is bigger than 6 due to AoE cap.
    Voted better before.
    If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.

    Write this on the back of your box and see how many sales you get!

    You won't get any new PvP players until this archaic AoE crap is fixed.
    I for one won't resub until:
    1.) You fix lag.
    2.) You remove AOE caps we voted against.
    3.) 12 months have passed (this is how long we've waited for you to 'get with it')[/b]
  • briandivisionb16_ESO
    No, it was better how it was before.
    I posted this today. ZlAkL2O.png
    If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.

    Write this on the back of your box and see how many sales you get!

    You won't get any new PvP players until this archaic AoE crap is fixed.
    I for one won't resub until:
    1.) You fix lag.
    2.) You remove AOE caps we voted against.
    3.) 12 months have passed (this is how long we've waited for you to 'get with it')[/b]
  • Emperor_Will
    No, it was better how it was before.
    Below are my reasons for why i find pvp massively less enjoyable.

    Elusive Mist Nerf
    The one skill templars and DKs could use to escape or reposition mid-fight. Inferior to both streak & cloak, yet this was nerfed to the point of uselessness when ic was released. The one skill that any class could use that might have somewhat balanced NBs current superiority in ic.

    So whilst a cloaked NB will take no agro, be unseen so take 0% damage, with the potential to use it non-stop.
    Someone using elusive mist, will still be seen, take agro, 25% damage & can only be used it a limited number of times.

    Proximity Detonation Nerf
    Another great skill, that was easily mitigated via skills, blocking, or simply not standing so close to your team.. completely nerfed to the point of not being worth using. This has a negative impact to pvp in a number of ways:
    -Choke points vs a greater numbers of players are now irrelevant (resource towers, sieged keeps/outposts etc.)
    -Less reward for those who've invested many hours in pvp
    -Greater stam vs magic imbalance

    50% damage reduction
    -Causes pvp to feel slow/unexciting
    -Rewards unresponsive gameplay - why even pay attention to your health bar now..
    -Causes even more 1 skill spam (Wrecking blow, dark flare etc.)
    -Siege damage is now so low that paying attention to red circles has almost no benefit

    NPCs now are almost useless:
    -impossible to fall back to resources when outnumbered and atleast make a dent in the incomming zerg.
    -impossible to 1v10 outposts or keeps
    -solo resource capturing less challenging, so less need for teamwork

    End result:
    -skill gap between vr1 & longterm pvpers drastically reduced
    -players who're unresponsive or with lag are now at less of a disadvantage
    -all previous tactics have been reduced to locate & stay with zerg

    -Sub cancelled prior to update.
    -Barely able to pvp for more than 30 mins
  • Ryuho
    No, it was better how it was before.
    No. Zerglings are even bigger than b4.. and at the same time harder to kill (cause dmg reduction nerf), ur skill isnt importnat, casue u will be simply outnumbered.. all those changes *** small scale pvp, now small grps almost stand no chance vs all mighty zergs.. I miss old cyro, even 1.6 was better.. I miss times when with 4 ppls u were able to wipe entire goblin crew raid, @olsborg :wink: those times.. Seriously they have no idea what to do with pvp in this game.. @ZOS Stop listening to cry babies..
    The Farron family team (EU)
    sorcerer - Rubeus Farron AR31
    templar - Selene Farron AR27
    nightblade - Ryuho Farron AR25
    stamplar - Nura Farron AR10
    stamsorcerer - Kitty Farron AR14 (adopted member)
    DK - Ryu Farron AR17


    CU - next mmo
  • aco5712
    No, it was better how it was before.
    zerg is stronger and bigger, blanket nerfs really hurt DKs and templars but made NBs and sorcs stronger. Bring back 1.5 plox
    Banned for Naming and Shaming exploiters. Great ideology ZOS.

    Main: Vir Cor | Dragonknight
    Alt: Leo Cor | Nightblade
    Alt: Leonidas Cor | Templar

    Guild: K-Hole
    Youtube: CorESO
    DK PvP Tank/DPS Hybrid Build (2.1+): Cor Leonis
  • Armitas
    No, it was better how it was before.
    Unsurprisingly the blanket nerfs failed to hit mark. Due to new gearing, damage is the same as it was in 1.6 with no lack of sustain. However our ability to handle that damage remains insurmountable for some of the classes due to the nerf to shields, blocking and healing. Armor is still highly penetrated with little effort leaving mobility as the truest defense, and the only sure way to get a heal out of healing ward, as the bubble will not survive without protecting it.

    The problem isn't that they got the global nerf levels wrong either. The problem is that the didn't address any of the specific problems. We will need global nerf values to help modulate power levels with PvE power creep but 50% should be a big red flag that you have some serious problems and with your game.

    Edited by Armitas on October 14, 2015 1:48PM
    Nord mDK
  • phillyproduct
    Yes, i prefer how pvp is now.
    Ps4 user so i can only compare the month or so i had the game and understood mechanics before update.

    I think the changes were great, aoe cap isnt good and this game needs a zerg buster but longer fights mean recover reasource management and actual fighting ability matters.

    Before teleport strike from shadows plus 1 concealed wep and prox det was death... Two uppercuts was death 2 snipes was death now if im attacked from stealth i atleast can face my attacker try to fight before attacks from stealth were two shots

    Pvp isnt perfect it wasnt before update it isnt now but lets stop acting like this update created issues nightblades cloak been op just in close tight spaces i.E. Imperial city we notice its uses more. Shield stacking been a problem they gave medium armor users a counter and they need to give light armor users a counter
    CP-750 orc nighblade ebonheart NA
    Dark elf sorc ebonheart
    Orc templar
    Dark elf Dragon knight
    Redguard warden

    Vet CoA saved the day
  • Cathexis
    Yes, i prefer how pvp is now.
    Battles in cyrodiil have not been this good since like 1.2
    People can spread out and fight each other.
    Last night I killed 15 people in sequence in a 15v40 chaos.
    There was no lag or meteor spam or unkillable sorcs and very few unkillable nightblades.. Just combat.

    You seriously want to go back to one shot kills and the equine simulator? I feel like this is just a bunch of nightblades and magicka sorcs who are crying because their meta builds aren't as op as they used to be.

    Suck it up and learn to fight and stop ruining this once glorious game with this meta bullshjt.
    Edited by Cathexis on October 14, 2015 2:36PM
    Tome of Alteration Magic I - Reality is an Ancient Dwemer Construct: Everything You Need to Know About FPS

    Tome of Alteration Magic II - The Manual of the Deceiver: A Beginner's Guide to Thieving

    Ultrawide ESO Adventure Screenshots - 7680 x 1080 Resolution
  • SleepyTroll
    No, it was better how it was before.
    IC not being gated. IC having no meaning in the war. No objectives in IC. Spawning in IC. Damage nerf should be like 30%, if you stack all Magick a or stamina you should die fast while killing fast. Revert the hp point and glyph nerf, that's what created this mess. Seriously ZOS what we're you thinking you nerfed hp just to have to nerf damage because of that nerf. Realeasing the CP system for us to test on live server, really like did you not expect people to think their CP advantage was legit? Blanket nerfs in general hurt more then they help. It's been almost 2 years and the server still crashes in large scale battles. Add arenas ZOS, before you said you didn't want to because people would leave cyrodillcyrodill, but you can't eventhe handle that many players. Oh but you'll release IC so that that can take away from the Pop...
  • 1Grumpy_dunmer1
    No, it was better how it was before.
    Cathexis wrote: »
    Battles in cyrodiil have not been this good since like 1.2
    People can spread out and fight each other.
    Last night I killed 15 people in sequence in a 15v40 chaos.
    There was no lag or meteor spam or unkillable sorcs and very few unkillable nightblades.. Just combat.

    You seriously want to go back to one shot kills and the equine simulator? I feel like this is just a bunch of nightblades and magicka sorcs who are crying because their meta builds aren't as op as they used to be.

    Suck it up and learn to fight and stop ruining this once glorious game with this meta bullshjt.

    Didn't do a lot of pvp In 1.5 I did in 1.6 and I'm a magicka dk. The changes are bad. : (
    XxbothbarrelsxX ps4 NA
    Magicka nightblade vr16 EP
    Magicka dragonknight vr16 EP
  • Olen_Mikko
    It has pros and cons.

    + Battle leveling in veteran campaigns is good thing.
    + TTK is more reasonable
    + Buff campaigns doesn't exist
    + EMP farming doesn't exist.
    + Lesser "one-shot-willy's"

    - Siege weapons does bull***t damage
    - Damage mitigation is imo too high, sometimes you just can't kill nobody
    - No more former emp skills
    - Harder to find small scale battles, since all the changes caters zerging

    There's something what i think of this.
    NB enthusiastic:
    1. Woodhippie stamblade - DW hard-hitter / PvE
    2. Know-it-all elf Magblade - Healer / PvE & PvP
    3. Hate-them-all elf Magblade - Destrostaff AoE monster / PvE
    4. Cyrodiil-Refugee stamblade - Stamina Tank / PvE

    Go dominion or go home

    Nightblade-Hipster. I played Nightblade before it was cool - from 1.5 onwards.
  • Cathexis
    Yes, i prefer how pvp is now.
    I agree that seige needs to hit harder.

    Former emp bonus was dumb.. Turned it into a farm.

    @1Grumpy_dunmer1 1.5 and earlier, especially earlier was a lot like now except no cp and there were soft caps.

    Battles were not this either 1hit gank or tight raids

    You could spread out on the battlefield without risk. The way things are now is a really good thing. Fights are way more tactical.
    Edited by Cathexis on October 14, 2015 7:23PM
    Tome of Alteration Magic I - Reality is an Ancient Dwemer Construct: Everything You Need to Know About FPS

    Tome of Alteration Magic II - The Manual of the Deceiver: A Beginner's Guide to Thieving

    Ultrawide ESO Adventure Screenshots - 7680 x 1080 Resolution
  • Waffennacht
    Yes, i prefer how pvp is now.
    I prefer the changes.

    1. Slower PvP means actual move combinations. Over half of the abilities were worthless previously. At best before it was: main attack, weave light, second attack, main attack = gg. Now you can actually combo, buff, retreat, etc like a good PvP.
    2. The boosts make it where if a vet 5 attacks me, he actually MAY have a chance at winning.
    3. One hit kills are still possible, but not by anyone in stealth

    End result:
    -skill gap between vr1 & longterm pvpers drastically reduced
    -players who're unresponsive or with lag are now at less of a disadvantage
    -all previous tactics have been reduced to locate & stay with zerg

    -Sub cancelled prior to update.
    -Barely able to pvp for more than 30 mins

    The less of a gap... kinda thought was the idea... people with lag aren't insta killed? Why are you complaining that people with lag have a chance of survival? You have made many lag experiencing enemies with such a statement...

    Well maybe that's the only tactics in IC but I definitely get more than enough 1v1 action and real strategy is necessary in that
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Saint314Louis1985
    No, it was better how it was before.
    Olen_Mikko wrote: »

    + Buff campaigns doesn't exist

    Buff campaigns kind of exist they just switched to "worry-free" IC campaigns.

    I think they took the damage reduction too far and most the changes they made benefit zerging.

  • SneaK
    It's not bad, it's still the best game I have in my cabinet, and that's purely because of the PvP.

    Things I think should change/revert...

    1. Damage Mitigation should have been about 35%, not 50%.

    2. Bring back silent siege, Cold Stones.

    3. Siege damage needs an overall buff.

    4. Magicka Detonation needs to be redone.

    5. Need incremental population caps to each campaign to help with balance!

    6. Some of the IC districts should have hosted PvP arena type of games 5v5, 12v12, etc.

    7. Unrelated to PvP, they need to update the DSA and trials to max level.

    Edited by SneaK on October 14, 2015 7:55PM
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Bosmer Nightblade AR 32 - Altmer Templar AR 26 - Dunmer Dragonknight AR 18 - Altmer Sorcerer AR 20 - Khajiit Dragonknight AR 18
    (+3 not worth mentioning, yet)
  • Gunphu
    No, it was better how it was before.
    Slight changes needed to happen but this really made the game not as enjoyable. Before this update I had dozens of friends on at all I have 3 if im lucky.
  • Chieve
    Yes, i prefer how pvp is now.
    Wait so if im in a group i take 50% less damage? Isnt that a good thing since it encourages social interaction and cooperation
    Please vote in the console text chat thread so ZoS can see how many people want text chat

    ...and dueling in the dueling thread but personally I want text chat first...
  • Master_Kas
    No, it was better how it was before.

    1.5 with just SOME MINOR tweaks , plz <3
    EU | PC
  • Waffennacht
    Yes, i prefer how pvp is now.
    Chieve wrote: »
    Wait so if im in a group i take 50% less damage? Isnt that a good thing since it encourages social interaction and cooperation

    No man, they just say it that way to try and make more of an impression.

    What they mean to say is, "AoEs will only damage a max of 6 players in a group, if you are attacking a group of more than six you wont damage all of them."

    Which they interpret as dealing less damage. (In a way yes you are dealing less than a hypothetical amount.)

    There is no direct game mechanic that changes how much damage you are dealt based upon your group's numbers.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • rordogg
    No, it was better how it was before.
    Keep the blocking and dodge roll changes. Get rid of all the 50% reduction *** and fix that actually game problems please.
  • TheLaw
    No, it was better how it was before.
    It keeps getting worse each patch. PVP IS NOT fun right now.
    -= Shahrzad the Great |Sorc| =-
  • Vangy
    There should be an option for 50:50. I like some of the changes like damage reduction to stop those qq triple snipe insta kills. But something should be done about Zerg Aoe spam.
    (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
    (2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
    (2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
    (1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
    CP: 610 and counting

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates! Viva la revolutionz
  • Prodigy1971
    Yes, i prefer how pvp is now.
    I prefer the way PvP is now.

    I love longer fights and hate to be one/twoshot from the back of my horse while riding through cyrodiil.

    No thx. Even though I play stam NB.
  • iTzStevey
    No, it was better how it was before.
    Worse, from what i can tell all this update did is increase the need for CP because of the 50% damage reduction and promote running in a blob spamming AOE and thinking you're "leet".

    The gear grind is real also, ii love working towards something but 1 mat per deconsruct? Ridiculous and forces you to grind mats for long periods of time which i HATE, so bottom line is I'm finding myself getting bored with the game more than I'm having fun, and that is not good.
  • Jura23
    Yes, i prefer how pvp is now.
    I prefer longer fights, so -50% is ok for me. I wouldn't mind removing aoe caps though. And as a templar I agree the mist nerf is terrible.
    Georgion - Bosmer/Templar - PC/EU
  • Farorin
    No, it was better how it was before.
    PVP is really crappy now compared to how it used to be. It's still more fun than PVE when you can find good fights (which is a hard thing to do in the first place), but it used to be a lot better, and good fights are a lot harder to come by now as well.
  • contact.opiumb16_ESO
    Yes, i prefer how pvp is now.
    i voted Yes only because at least we don't have those one shot yolo build and exploiters everywhere with 100% armor pen etc BUT this entire pvp is becoming with every single patch a bader joke... no i ma sorry, this entire GAME is a bad joke and a shame for the Elder Scrolls series.
  • revonine
    No, it was better how it was before.
    I preferred it how it was before. Instead of adjusted certain skills or skill combo's that caused the cheap one shots we got this.
    But can you imagine V16 power levels with 1.6 battle spirit? One shot party and all of Cyrodill is invited. I think part of the reason for the adjustment was so they could include the level cap raise.
  • damtotb16_ESO
    Yes, i prefer how pvp is now.
    PvP as it is now require some skills due to damage reduction instead of just stealth 1 shooting people form 40 m
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