First off, I apologize for the redundancy of some of these questions and I realize this discussion is a few weeks too late. I was out of town for a few weeks and away from the game during the patch and came back to alot of changes and a total respec.
My NB was a WW and after I had maxed the trait for the achievement, I was only using WW for the passive stamina regen. Since this is gone, I'm thinking I will totally abandon WW, but I don't really see any reason to get it cured, since I don't see any negative impact when not in ww form and I didn't put any points into the trait line after the respec. Is there any reason I'm missing?
Now for the more complicated one... Vampirism. My Sorc was a vampire, and I pretty much kept her in stage 4 always, and I was traited for alot of the passives in the line, but the only action I had on my skillbar was the ultimate, and that was only on my offhand weapon. To get all of the benefits, I would need to have the ultimate slotted in both weapons correct? When leveling vamp, I was very underwhelmed with the active skills drain essense or mist form, so now, are any of these worth keeping in one of my slots?
I'm mainly just looking for the general thoughts of whether it is still worthwhile to keep vampirism post patch, or should I respec again and get a cure for it.
Thanks for any help and or suggestions.