Bounty Will Not Clear!

I created a new character, and as soon as I headed into town, another player was in battle with a citizen and a guard. That player healed me, causing my character to automatically draw my weapon.

That said, since he killed the citizen, I now have a Bounty. The thing is, I have no Gold to pay the fine. The Bank NPC won't talk to me so I can grab some Gold, and the quest givers won't let me grab a quest so I can earn some Gold.

On top of that, when a Guard kills me, the Bounty does not clear no matter if I self-revive or use the Wayshrine.

Please advise!!!
  • Qyrk
    Go out of town for a few. Your bounty slowly reduces over time (I believe 23g/3 minutes).

    Go out kill stuff, sell items at outlaw refuges, then pay your bounty. Keep in mind that as you go up Legerdemain skill line, there's a skill called Kickback that reduces bounties you have to pay.
  • IKilled007
    You didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose you.
    The only substitute for victory is overkill.
  • StrykerTheElite
    I did the codwells silver with 10 million bounty, why pickpocket 1 when you can loot 100 dead bodies at once.
  • Sertith
    Just a recommendation for the future, but there's a option where you can't attack NPCs at all.
  • Jim_Berry
    Sertith wrote: »
    Just a recommendation for the future, but there's a option where you can't attack NPCs at all.

    I know, but I like it on to make it more life-like.

    And thanks to everyone else for the information.
  • Jim_Berry
    ffs, man...

    Now I have that error message (program code) that pops up when I access my inventory. I even rebooted.
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