death recap bug?

Hi guys there's probably a good reason for this that I'm not seing but can someone explain this to me or is it a bug?

I was just entering sneak and got marked anyway I couldn't see the enemy so i carried on moving next thing I just die my death recap shows 15k damage from camo hunter with 1 shot and nothing else.

What i don't understand is that I literally took no other damage and I died from one hit the death recap shows 15k damage but i have 23k base, yes im a vampire but should the recap not show 23k damage if im being one shot?


  • Kobaal
    its a known bug if you get insta killed. Its not showing the snipe that preceeded the camo hunter.
    Edited by Kobaal on September 18, 2015 4:05PM
    Kobaal - VR16 Dragon Knight - PC [NA] Azura Star
    Kobaal Shadowborn - VR16 NightBlade - PC [NA] Azura Star
    Kobaal Stormborn- VR3 Sorcerer - PC [NA] Azura Star
    Fat Old Templar - lvl 19 Templar - PC [NA] BwB
  • WalksAmongShadows
    Kobaal wrote: »
    its a known bug if you get insta killed. Its not showing the snipe that preceeded the camo hunter.

    This is correct. It's a single instance of damage, even though it might be split to multiple numbers so that it can be interpreted more easily, and the camo damage is actually displayed first in the killers combat log, so technically it's not considered a proc. If you were to proc camo with the rng chance by not attacking from stealth and your target would die on the initial hit before camo damage, there would be no proc at all, because now we're talking about separate instances of damage.


    See how the camo "comes first" so to speak, and the AP + exp from the kill is awarded even before the target has supposedly received enough damage to actually get killed?

    It is quite confusing though I must imagine.
    Nightblade - Haderus AD
  • Corzz
    So does it just not show the damage from snipe or is the damage shown as camo hunter? if so that still wont explain how he killed me with over 20k health from a 15k hit I assume I was hit from stealth before that kind of damage but is it also a bug not to show stealth damage or?

    EU PC

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