Hiya, I am not sure how to begin this post, nor do I wish to make it sound like a complaint, but I've been losing motivation on lately, as long my character progressed, I went to claglorn a couple days ago very hyper amd excited, once someone I met told me about some crafting materials id only find there, but I havent found anything in days, well, not really true, I have found tons of enemies settled in every corner, amd the worst part is that they'd be always groups of at least seven people, result of that was my self always getting surrounded and beaten badly everytime I had to fight them. Like in every other online game, here is extremely complicated to find a group of trustworthy peeps and with some sense of cooperation, obviously ESO isnt a solo experience as skyrim was, but eith everyone wanting to be the hero of the day and leaving to attend their own interest almost all the time, instead helping their partner is really something im getti g sick of experiencing this often.