It allows you to use 2 different weapons while in combat, each weapon can have unique skills attached to it. You equip the second weapon under "Main hand back up" in your inventory.
SirGreenDay wrote: »It allows you to use 2 different weapons while in combat, each weapon can have unique skills attached to it. You equip the second weapon under "Main hand back up" in your inventory.
I know how to equip andxswsp to a 2nd weapon, but are you saying that this 2nd weapon has its own ability bar?
How the heck did I notice this!
I wish the game would have pointed that out.
I can't believe I've played through 3 levels with a single skill bar when I could have has 2.
Can you use skills on both skill bars at the same time? The same skill in both bars I mean.
SirGreenDay wrote: »It allows you to use 2 different weapons while in combat, each weapon can have unique skills attached to it. You equip the second weapon under "Main hand back up" in your inventory.
I know how to equip andxswsp to a 2nd weapon, but are you saying that this 2nd weapon has its own ability bar?
How the heck did I notice this!
I wish the game would have pointed that out.
I can't believe I've played through 3 levels with a single skill bar when I could have has 2.
Can you use skills on both skill bars at the same time? The same skill in both bars I mean.
SirGreenDay wrote: »It allows you to use 2 different weapons while in combat, each weapon can have unique skills attached to it. You equip the second weapon under "Main hand back up" in your inventory.
I know how to equip and swap to a 2nd weapon, but are you saying that this 2nd weapon has its own ability bar?
How the heck did I notice this!
I wish the game would have pointed that out.
I can't believe I've played through 3 levels with a single skill bar when I could have has 2.
Can you use skills on both skill bars at the same time? The same skill in both bars I mean.
yes you can put the same skills, or weapon types, on both bars. If you use the same weapon type (two 2h swords, for example), it opens up the second bar for a greater number of skills pertaining to that weapon's use. Some players like to run with, say, a single-target damage skill bar and an aoe damage skill bar, using the same weapon type.
Most use it to diversify weapons a bit. For example, my templar uses a restoration staff on one bar with healing skills, and a destruction staff on the other bar with damage skills, and I can swap back and forth in the middle of combat (left direction button on ps4 hotswaps between main/backup weapon bars) to do either role. My nightblade uses a 2handed sword on one bar for melee damage, and a bow on the second bar for ranged damage. My dragonknight tank uses 1h/shield on both bars, but one bar is set up with my more commonly used taunts/control abilities while my second bar is set up with defensive buffs that I dont use as often, like immovable, dragon's blood, reflective scales, etc.