I was assuming that the game was crashing to the dashboard due to lag, which I just figured that it was due to so many people logging in on launch day.
I haven't had the 318 error, but I can't seem to stay in the game for more than10-20 minutes before it lags out until the game crashes. Just before I lose connection to the game, I lose the ability to interact with the environment (crates, doors, and NPC's cannot be interacted with), players bounce around the screen, I get rubber-banded when trying to go somewhere, then the game crashes to desktop, or sends me back to the title screen with the message that I've lost connection to the game client servers or it lost the connection to the game.
I have TWC's 100mb internet service, and while I was connected wirelessly I still had a great connection (according to my router and Xbox LIVE) and a wide open NAT.
PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!