Having issues on Xbox One

I have 3 issues. I have the game on Xbox one. The game is laggy a lot at times, framerate issues, and sometimes I'll jut across the screen and be in a different spot. My game also froze and restarted itself once so far. The newest issue is the error 318 I just got now. I was playing and tried hitting A on a person to talk to them for a quest and it wouldn't do anything. Then out of nowhere it takes me out of the game and says "you have been dropped from the server because you hit the message rate limit. Please avoid excessive messaging. I didn't send 1 message so I don't know what it's talking about. These are all the issues I've had in 45 minutes of play time.
  • RazAin
    Soul Shriven
    I've been having the same problem I just turn my xbox on and off and it goes back to normal also get people who are like a shadow and show no features
  • Gorthax
    Have you guys tried disabling addons? Have you tried resetting your modem and or routers? Thats all ZoS will tell you.....and since consoles dont get addons, I feel bad for you because it is gonna be considered your fault for the issues you experience. WELCOME TO ESO!
  • dreas7575
    Soul Shriven
    Having same issues been booted to home screen every five min of play time as soon as I can't talk npcs I know I'm about to crash , shadow like players , login issues and lagging jumpy picture.... Super thrilled
    I reset my router, yes. The 318 error just happened again and kicked me for messaging. I haven't messaged 1 damn person.
  • Gorthax
    @NJxRINZLER I was being sarcastic as that was what ZoS has told us PC players for a year and a half or so. It was never their fault but the players fault. Our addons caused the issues, and if it wasnt the addons fault it was our router, and if it wasnt the router it was our modem. If it wasnt the modem, there was something going on with our provider LOL! Buckle up boys and girls, you are in for one helluva ride!!!!!
    Edited by Gorthax on June 9, 2015 8:01PM
    Anyone else having the messaging issue?
  • Hawk269
    The lag is normal due to the starting areas having a lot of people in them. I teleported to another area/zone and lag was very minimal. Hopefully it can get sorted out shortly. As far as your other problems, try power off your console completely (hold the power button down about 10 seconds until it turns off) and then reboot.
  • Gorthax
    Man, IGN is having a field day with the issues going on lol everyone grab popcorn!
    I have restarted my Xbox fully. The second time I got the error was after I did the restart.
    Also, sometimes if I'm in a battle with someone and I backup like 15 feet, I still get hit with a sword swing
  • LtColRottenApple
    Soul Shriven
    Whenever I click the server login screen on my xbox one, it always crashes the game and throws me back into the xbox dashboard. I tried reinstalling it and hard resetting my xbox multiple times to no effect. I am starting to feel I got a busted disk or something and should give up.
    Also having that problem vice versa. If I'm swinging and backup where I'm like 10 feet away, the ai enemy gets damage as well. Like WTF
  • PoseidonEvil
    Gorthax wrote: »
    Have you guys tried disabling addons? Have you tried resetting your modem and or routers? Thats all ZoS will tell you.....and since consoles dont get addons, I feel bad for you because it is gonna be considered your fault for the issues you experience. WELCOME TO ESO!

    console doesnt have any addons.
    In-game ID: alchelvly
    Phixeon Maghi -- Breton Healer
    Harrow the Souleater -- Breton Necro Healer
    Krogyle dro-Smoketh -- Orc Stamdk
  • NightAngel690
    I had the invisible NPC problem at first but then it fixed itself;however, now I'm having issues moving. After leaving Coldharbour, My character just froze.
  • General_BLAQ
    Soul Shriven
    I gave had the same issue saying I have gone past the daily mssg limit and haven't sent anymessages some bs I also have seen the shadow people (no character animations, detail) also I played lastnight and earlier today no problems turned 5he game off to take a break and now I am no longer able to load at all ..epic fail..xboxone
  • PetesFaded
    i can't even rotate my character when i try to make a new one i have had all these problems listed and i keep getting kicked after playing of one god damn minute i cannot stand these issues i have wait for a year to get it so they could fix most of the bugs I've never seen a game ever have this many issues even never winter has this game beat atm leg
  • King Bozo
    King Bozo
    Maybe clear the cache on your xbox just a suggestion. I have not had many lag issues. I did lag a little in auridon on today just seeing how many people were playing. The number of people there are ridiculous lol. You guys have to wear the disguise for that one quest all of you all that are A.D.
    Edited by King Bozo on June 10, 2015 2:50AM
  • PoseidonEvil
    I had the invisible NPC problem at first but then it fixed itself;however, now I'm having issues moving. After leaving Coldharbour, My character just froze.

    hold down the power button till your xbox shuts off. retart ESO
    In-game ID: alchelvly
    Phixeon Maghi -- Breton Healer
    Harrow the Souleater -- Breton Necro Healer
    Krogyle dro-Smoketh -- Orc Stamdk
  • dnalerb
    Yep 318 and have not messaged anyone. Think it's time for a refund.
  • Doogie_Dixon
    Soul Shriven
    I had an Error 318, earlier on Xbox One and hadn't sent any messages. I also had invisible NPC's and random crashes to the home screen. I sent a ticket each time when I logged in, looks like that's about all you can do. This is the wonder of MMO's and their launches, hopefully it'll smooth out soon.
  • OrphanSoup
    Finally got into the NA server after trying since tuesday! Was all excited till i went thru a door and was booted for exessive messaging? Wtf. I havent messaged a single time. Actually, im trying to turn off the part of chat that lets me hear the other players in the room. I really just wanna play w/o hearing someones kid crying or their plans for later or a kid getting yelled at to log the hell of and clean his room! Anyone know how to turn that off?
  • twhiting9275
    OrphanSoup wrote: »
    Anyone know how to turn that off?
    menu -> social -> voice chat -> hit X

    You'll have to do this in each area, sadly.
    Edited by twhiting9275 on June 11, 2015 5:30PM
  • dandafa
    Soul Shriven
    Paid alotvof money for a extremly buggy game as i can only play for 5 mins then kicks me out been a big fan played every eldrscrolls game an so far this one hasnt been good due to the bugs atill in the game on launch
  • OrphanSoup
    OrphanSoup wrote: »
    Anyone know how to turn that off?
    menu -> social -> voice chat -> hit X

    You'll have to do this in each area, sadly.

    Dude. Thank you. Haha I have no issues doing it in every area if it gets me outta listening to the ppl that refuse, forget, or just dont care to mite their mic when they're not game communicating. Now, if I could just stop getting booted from the game, i'll be all set!
  • ouroboros999
    Soul Shriven
    Have been dropped out on a regular basis, blaming it on not being logged in to XBL even though every other program works. Hope they sort this garbage out before Fallout 4.
  • WingNutDude
    I can't play the game.

    I have made my character, I select play and it says "requesting character load". Then I wait a few minutes and it comes up with a message saying " unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection". I have an Internet connection and my nat type is open. I am able to play other games online.

    What is the problem? Can anyone help me play the game?
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