To be honest, i am not a huge fan of the whole min/maxing mechanic. I enjoy well rounded characters. I enjoy being able to choose from a whole range of weapon and class skills and being able to combine them freely. I enjoy picking the right mix of magicka and stamina skills to find the right balance with my blocking/dodging/cc-breaking needs.
I appreciate your effort to allow stam builds to compete with magicka buils by introducing stam morphs. But I think the more fundamental solution to the problem would have been to do away with scaling the skills off of magicka and stam. They already scale off of wpndmg and spdmg, and that is fine. But by making them scale off of the attributes themselves, you are essentially disallowing hybrid builds and rendering most existing sets absurd. Why would you do that? Every semi-serious player is but left with a few (~2-3) set options for his class/race. How can that be what you envisioned this game to be?
Best regards,