The Notes for 1.6
Significantly increased the chance to receive gold boosters from refining.
Added a significant chance to receive gold boosters, gold aspect runes, and purple provisioning ingredients from crafting writ rewards.
Significantly decreased the chance to receive gold boosters, gold aspect runes and purple provisioning ingredients from hireling mails.
I like alot of the new changes comming in 1.6- more compact provsioning, using bags and speed on a horse at the same time, but one thing has me worried.
I think that Increasing gold tempers though refining while reducing hireling effectiveness will be a mistake.
The prices of ledgendary tempers has remained pretty stable since launch.
Access to gold tempers though hirelings is restricted by the amount of chars per account as well as the timers. Characters had to be somewhat leveled with skill points to acess them.
And instead of having an incentive to log in 12 hourly for hireling mats, now instead we will just have to run around farming/grinding or doing the same crafting writs over and over.... /boring anyone?or just a new inconvenience that the crown store will be happy to help you with.
Access to gold tempers though crafting writs is again limited so to me its not a big deal. But now all high end crafters will be competing to do them using exactly the same mats which will drive up the prices substantially unless you are willing to farm them.../boring anyone? or just a new inconvenience that the crown store will be happy to help you with.
Gaining gold tempers through refinery , is not restricted. Lvl 3 chars can harvest the same as vr14's. This will be a godsend for havester bots. They can farm and refine as many raw mats as you like without leveling crafting or playing the game at all.
This new system may cause massive imbalances as tempers flood the market.
This could have major ramifications in the ESO economy.
Bottom line- this move is looking like a mistake that could easily be exploited.
Hireling were a good way to reward dedicated players for leveling up crafting. If they are going to reduce the incentive because of the boost to refining raw materials please compensate dedicated crafters. Hirelings help keep crafting rewarding.
Lvling up crafts cost a lot in time and gold. Most crafters i know often donate their time and mats making gear for others, myself included.
It's can take over an hour to tailor craft just one full set of gear for another player.
Hireling mats have allowed me to make gear for others, without losing money or having to charge exorbitant fees.
If I can get more tempers from raw mats, why not just run around farming raw mats on a lvl 3 char?
Then I can just sell them to someone else to refine at a inflated price.
Why bother crafting at all?
Edited by ashlee17 on January 29, 2015 10:39AM Administrator of More Than Fair Guild- North American Server- Come and Join us for a fun and friendly experience - 480+ members and great trader location- all factions welcome - mail me
@ashlee17 in game for an invite.
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