Gear Lottery

I have never been a fan of this sort of thing, and this game is starting to remind me why that is. Lottery only items for end game content can be extremely frustrating.

for example I have been trying to get 3piece Ather Mending since AA - HRC so far i have the neck and 1 ring but the other ring eludes me (yes i know there is a staff for the set i have it but it is terrible and just no). and since it is a bound item its not like i can give in and go buy one.
The rings are coffer only and although i may not get all 4 possible coffers every week I always get at least 3 of them and before SO and DSA came along i was getting all 3 possible weekly. but still no second ring.

This is why i have always been a fan of some sort of dungeon currency even given in small amounts so after a month or two if you do not have that one item you are trying to get you can still save up and buy it.

I think the real reason i am frustrated is I had a chance to buy an Ather Mending ring back when the BoE bug was active and i thought at that time, well i only need one more no point spending 80k on something I will get in a week or two... well here we are months later and still no ring.
  • Hybris6
    Yeah I agree. Best would be after you killed a mob you would be presented with the lootlist so you could pick just the item you need. That way we wouldn't need to slaughter mobs by the thousands.. 20 or so would be enough..
  • Palindrome
    i would rather have tokens, or some form of currency, and even keep the lottery coffers in place. that way you still need to repeat the dungeon and continue to run it weekly to get your gear but after 6 weeks you could have earned enough dungeon currency to buy a item, either something you need to finish a set or just an item that has been eluding you
  • GreyBrow
    To the OP

    At first I was on your side, saying the exact same thing. I've been trying to get an aether belt/pants since AA came out, only to see my friends and guildmates get so many that they started to deconstruct them. So frustrating.

    I got mine a couple weeks ago, and it was so satisfying... But then I realized that if I had gotten the items I needed right off the bat, I would have become very bored very quickly.

    Take these examples:

    I've been running Sanctum, and the very first run I did I got two pieces of infallible aether (I'm only interested in the two piece). Now, every time someone asks me to run it, I get bored very easily and am very tempted to say no, because for me, there is no reward for spending 1-2 hours and 100 spell power pots trying to complete it.

    I've also been running CoA trying to get the light armor version of the hat the boss drops (already have the heavy version), and i'm trying to get one last piece of the spellweave set as well. I have LITERALLY run CoA 20-30 times over the weekend, and haven't gotten either piece I need. This is frustrating, but at the end of the day its what keeps me coming back to play. It gives me something to do, a goal to try to accomplish. Without this to occupy me, 1.5.x would have been VERY boring.
  • Palindrome
    I understand where you are coming from @GreyBrow‌ and on one hand I am with you, the last thing I want is to make the game to easy and boring, but on the other I also think lottery items are frustrating. especially gear lottery that is once a week paired with content you can run 100times a day. I think this is the part that gets under my skin. there is no lock out for boss loot so you can go over and over and over again getting boss loot each time all day every day, but there are those items that are lottery only.
    The very least they could do is fix the trial coffers to be on a calander week reset rather than 7days per character. its very annoying to miss even a day and so if real life comes up and you can not do it on Sat when you normally run well now next Sat there will be no coffer you either have to skip a week or start running on another day of the week.
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