I think the game garners a different type of main player though. If you are comparing this community with other MMO communities its tough. The crowd here is typically older and more into the game than the internet in my experience.
Most younger folks multitask a lot better than the older crowd, so discussing the game, tabbing into the forums while waiting for the porting to a dungeon is common. Here is more laid back and calm IMO so you have less need to discuss the game and more need to play it!
Plus its new and people are still figuring out the systems and idiosyncrasies of the game world.
That or the sky is falling and the game will be F2P by Christmas
I think we must look at the other forums "quality" first before we can consider ESO dead.
WOW is full of troll topics, as Blizz doesn't moderate their forums anymore. It has been ages that I was at EA´s but back in the days there wasn't a real discussion going on there either.
Sure there are gaming forums that have more posts / hour but real conversations almost never exist.
At ESO we have a mod team that filters trolls and rude behavior and because of this it looks more empty than others and in my opinion they could mod it even stricter here, as some trolls still crawl into each thread and leave their nonsense there
Besides that yes, ESO has elder players and they don't spam forums as they also have to work or fight with the wife / husband over diner Elitism is thank god very small so this also leaves a specific type of player out, not someone I miss to be honest.
So no, the game isn't dead. That said, Reddit should never be the main target group of ZO, its a third party website and nothing else.
Maverick827 wrote: »This sub-forum is really the only one that gets any traffic. If you go to the other sub-forums, you'll see posts from more than a week ago still on the front page.
I think there are a multitude of people who simply don't forum lol!
On a side note, I prefer to look at the forums by hitting the 'recent discussions', its the only way I like to browse.
One of the big things this forum is lacking are guides. Real comprehensive guides. How to do dungeons, tanking, healing etc. There is very little in the way of support here, it's more like a complaint, request, bug report forum. That could be one of the reasons no one comes here.
One of the big things this forum is lacking are guides. Real comprehensive guides. How to do dungeons, tanking, healing etc. There is very little in the way of support here, it's more like a complaint, request, bug report forum. That could be one of the reasons no one comes here.
Pretty sure there's a guide forum, hidden away somewhere under about three different layers of main section - section - language section - subsection...at least I think I saw it once...
One of the big things this forum is lacking are guides. Real comprehensive guides. How to do dungeons, tanking, healing etc. There is very little in the way of support here, it's more like a complaint, request, bug report forum. That could be one of the reasons no one comes here.Pretty sure there's a guide forum, hidden away somewhere under about three different layers of main section - section - language section - subsection...at least I think I saw it once...
It's a sub section of the General Discussion Section, it right at the top of the list of topics for General
Although this is sometimes done in the New Player section, which is also a sub section of General.
Alphashado wrote: »Forum population is still a reflection of game population. Say only 2% of active subscibers come to the forum. If 100k people were playing, then that would be 2k forum dwellers. 400k-4k etc.
The game population is OK. That's all. Nothing spectacular, but it isn't dead. All of the lower lvl zones are still packed with people.
1-50 is an amazing game and enough to attract new players and retain some old ones.
VR1-VR14 is what is killing this game. Hands down. Once the average new player comes to realize that lvl 50 means NOTHING, and that the grind has only just begone... well... the population of the VR zones speaks for itself I guess.
This game has amazing potential. Maybe the champion system will make everything post lvl 50 seem like less of a grind. Time will tell.