We killed the serpent twice today. That is to say, he reached zero health, and then instantly 1 shot the raid. Why?
No information of value in death recap other than "poison mist" - not a 1 shot at any other point in the fight. No information given in voice ingame, no information given in the little notes hidden around.
There is no way to know why he would do this, there is no way to analyze why he did it, and THERE IS NO REASON TO EVER DESIGN A FIGHT THIS WAY.
This is so infuriating- I'm sure there is some gimmick workaround, as other guilds have completed the fight on the leaderboard. But, WHY? WHY DID YOU DESIGN IT LIKE THIS, WITH NO INFORMATION? THERE IS NO POSSIBLE JUSTIFICATION.
This doesn't even scratch the surface of the problems in the serpent raid- artificial difficulty of 36 lives, complete RNG of bubbles with players virtually guarenteed to have deaths every time (AGAIN, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!?) - Achievements for finishing the raid in 33 minutes which is virtually impossible, and I don't know who on planet earth you expect to wade through the horrible frustration to do the hardmode version.
This is pure design failure. I have been one of the most prolific, dedicated players in this game since day 1. I have 4 V14's, over 30 days played on 3 different characters (totaling over 90 days played) - And this kind of thing makes me seriously consider quitting the game and unsubbing.
Solutions: Either 1) Design fights that actually make intuitive sense.
3) End game raiding in this game WILL DIE.
Edited by zbtiqua on October 25, 2014 10:46PM Officer of Da Funk (EP NA)
DSA Vet Fastest Time NA (83 mins)
World 1st AA HM
World 3rd Hel Ra HM