i love morrowind and the fact that as a dunmer we had a skill of "summon ancestor wraith" he would help us out in battle and was a perfect companion.
the ice wraith you are offering as a pet here in elderscrolls online just screams of skyrim and the nords. i realy kinda hate that pet because it is the apposite of what we elves need.
in addition to that im a nightblade and we need some help in both pvp and pve, so please make the "fear wraith" that comes out of the trap on the fear skill morph. please let him help us in both pvp and pve to battle our enemies and also let him stealth with us when we go into sneak he should go into sneak with us also.
i want my pet to actually help me in combat. would be perfect for me as a duel wield nightblade to have a constant pet that can stealth with me and help me fight.
a great example to this is on the "fear skill" -morph- there is a morph we can take with fear that allows us to set a trap that once entered has a very evil looking wraith emerge out of it. I LOVE THAT THING!
now if i could have that red death wraith as a constant pet. omg that would be soo awesome especially if he could help me in both pvp and pve. that would be so awesome of a pet!
please do this for us nightblades, zenimax, please
reminds me of having my ancestors with me in battle, as a elf, not a nord.
edit: please let him be a constant pet for us just like the sorcerers can keep thier pets out constant please let this wraith for us be out constantly also, but for him to be in stealth with us nightblades untill we fight then he is exposed and fights with us against our enemies, unlike the very short and not lasting long enough shade that does almost no damage at all. please make our ancestor wraith to do alot of damage so we can be equal to the other classes in pvp.
thank you
Edited by Gilvoth on September 18, 2015 2:12PM