First of all, the cheap respec is a great move to make the huge class changes bareable to most players.
There is however still one HUGE downside in the update in terms of gear: many players invested a considerable aomunt of time and resources to obtain/craft their ideal set, and the huge changes in sets render most of them useless with the current builds.
Of course, one could rebuild his character to match his sets new attribute, but allow me to doubt this is an ideal solution.
All our old sets are good for is thus deconstructing for crafting materials, or put otherwise a huge loss of time and ressources (it is really heartbraking to deconstruct a VR12 yellow set with yellow enchantment - all those hours for nothing...).
A simple solution, would be to unbind ALL current gear, thus allowing players to at least sell/trade their current sets at a smaller loss.
Not only will this greatly contribute in keeping player's morale up (happy customers are more likely to remain customers), but this will also strengthen the sense of community, and interplayer communication.
Looking forward for some feedback.