My issue's thus far. Long post heads up.

So let me say first that I extremely excited for the future of this game. While the launch wasn't as smooth as many would have liked from a player perspective. I will say that as a vet MMo player I have learned to forgive and forget many issues for the first 6 months of a new MMo. That said I still feel the need to open my mouth on a few subjects that I am not seeing very much information on or I feel are being taken down the wrong path. Over all I do feel the game is heading down the right road and will lead to many more subscribers and retention of current subs, these are just a few of my personal concerns that seem to be mirrored by some of the people I talk to in game and out of the game.

Stamina builds....
now there are tons of topics all over the net let alone on this very forum talking about, complaining about, and concerned about this very volatile topic. Now I know from the spell crafting questions that there is a plan to introduce an ability that will trade ones magika for stamina and that this is but one of many changes that will be coming in the hope to add some parity to the current state of the stamina problem.

Now while that might seem great on paper I think the over all issue is that there is to much riding on stamina period to make it useful for combat out side of it's defensive capabilities. Out side of a few hard headed players who refuse to see this fact stamina serves no purpose for attacking as long as you need to block, dodge, and break free.

I think a huge step in the right direction would be to address that truth by removing the defensive abilities from stamina and placing them either on their own unique resource or attaching some other mechanic to them such as cool downs or some other limitation to them. An example I could share would be from an older game called Rune where blocking with your shield would cause the shield to break after a certain amount of hits. Now I am not saying we need destructible shields but it shows that blocking can have its own resource and not impede on over all combat.

now as a crafter, a person who likes to customize his character, and some one who hates gear grinds hence the reason I left Swtor this one hits home a bit more. I loved when I found out that we would be able to craft our own gear and add set bonuses to the crafted gear. However then I realized some of the better or cooler sets were drop only and on specific item types only. I have to say that is a bit of a buzz kill for me as I like wearing heavy armor and if I want to make use of the saviors hide set for example I need to wear medium armor.

Now I understand and respect there are players who love the gear grind and have to have a constant hill to traverse in order to keep their interest in a game up. Is there any way we can get these "drop" sets in a crafted way? Such as having to gather the full set and break it down in order to craft it? I have a specific look for my character I like and it is just as important to me as my stats are when it comes to enjoying a game and I am not the only one like this.

this is a topic that is fairly glossed over by the devs so far out side they need help and we are planning on doing something to them some point. Personally a little transparency here would go a long way. What is the plan? What are some of the suggestions? How do you feel they are playing? Anything other than vagueness would be a boon here even if it has a "maybe" attached to it. Here an example, "We are adding a passive weapon damage boost to human form werewolves that scales as the player attacks. Though this might get changed after testing..."

Heavy Armor....
I don't even know what to say out side of the fact you guys need to make it worth wearing. A guy walking around in full plate should inspire fear and awe and right now they don't do that at all. Most people laugh at them and that is not good. Perhaps drastically increasing the amount of armor and spell resistance each piece grants would be good. Maybe switching a passive the way you did the norse passive recently by adding a flat damage reduction stat to the armor.Or increasing the amount of health you have based upon how many heavy armor pieces you are wearing. Your goal here is make people fear and respect the guy in full plate not mock him.

Well thats my little rant I hope it wasn't combative, honestly I love the game I can't wait for champion system and the justice system. but at the same time i think these 4 points need to be addressed sooner rather than later. But that is my opinion.
Edited by kaorunandrak on July 31, 2014 8:40PM
Guild Leader of The Crimson Moon PVE/PVP NA
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Kaoru Nandrak - V16 DK Stamina DPS 2h/Heavy
Jaoul Deathbringer - V16 NB Stamina DPS DW/Medium
Zantare Deshuld - V16 NB Magicka Sap Tank S&B/Heavy
Jarl Nan'Drak - Sorc Magika DPS 2h/Light
Vilder Ymirson- Temp Magika DPS DW/Light
Graywulf Odakai- DK Magika Tank S&B/Heavy
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