Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »@ZOS_Kevin
I missed the stream, what's new for PVP this year?
Zos is really afraid of change, isn't it? Going back to Morrowind, of all things.
So there HAS to be a reason for those rock formations to be that way. Either something happened there, or something IS there, most likely beneath the city.
The one thing I'm fully interested in, is any new Lore to uncover about the City being an ancient Chimer settlement and it's mythic origins.
From the marketing perspective, it's probably not the worst choice after the last year's disaster, as it's a more or less secure way to lure people through nostalgia. TES3 Morrowind has a huge fanbase still today.
Necrom is built on older structures for sure (and probably has extensive catacombs?). What I find interesting is, that the lore has always described "a strange dark heat" being present in the city. Now, if we combine this with the Lovecraftian theme... This could get really interesting, if well-written.
Have you ever considered that these might not be ribs? Have you ever seen an octopus from below?
Sleep well in your Necrom player home~
FluffyBird wrote: »Picking good theme and zone means nothing if execution is going to be bland, formulaic and buggy
So what's the difference between a 'year long story' and an 'adventure'? I thought ZOS said previously they were doing away with having all the DLCs and the chapter connected together and going for stand-alone releases telling their own stories, but it now looks like all they've done is remove the zone DLC from the series and give it a different name.
The thing that really bothered me about it is that in order to create the blended aesthetic, bright stone was used, to blend between the white stone of the Aldmer architecture and the yellow/brown Balmora concrete. Why wouldn't they use the black basalt of the surroundings? PLEASE tell me this has a proper explanation
~Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st EditionNecrom
"The City of the Dead", Necrom perpetuates a religious tradition that predates the Tribunal cult. From across Morrowind, Dark Elves of every clan bring their dead in solemn processions that can last for months. From the mainland, Necrom, with its lofty walls and white towers, appears to be an immense necropolis, an impression that is strengthened by the constant traffic of corpses across the causeway into the city, a traffic which never ceases, day or night. In fact, the city teems with life: a vast and complex heirarchy [sic] of priests and attendants whose sole duty is to prepare the dead for the afterlife and deposit their bodies with the appropriate ritual into the catacombs which honeycomb the rock beneath the city.
Pretty sure it's always been 30 hours? I can't remember a single instance of official marketing use '50 hours of content', it's been '30 hours' since Vvardenfell.
Not only that, they also shortened the summer chapter from 50 hours of content to 30. And removed one of the dungeon DLCs too. Plus the story DLC you mentioned.
Araneae6537 wrote: »The forbidden knowledge that could destroy worlds:
There is no spoon.
The enemy daedra even pulled an Agent Smith in the trailer!
Necrom is built on older structures for sure (and probably has extensive catacombs?). What I find interesting is, that the lore has always described "a strange dark heat" being present in the city. Now, if we combine this with the Lovecraftian theme... This could get really interesting, if well-written.
phantasmalD wrote: »
It's one of the few things that prior lore established about Necrom. ~Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition
phantasmalD wrote: »Pretty sure it's always been 30 hours? I can't remember a single instance of official marketing use '50 hours of content', it's been '30 hours' since Vvardenfell.
Ahh, an ancient Sith Temple buried underneath the Jedi Temple on Coruscant type of deal.
But now I am even more intrigued as to why these towers are white.
This June, the next Chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online will begin. Return to the iconic island of Vvardenfell for over 30 hours of adventure in a brand new location, with a new class, a new PvP mode, a new Trial, and so much more.
phantasmalD wrote: »I'm not going to look up all the chapter announcements, but here's Vvardenfell's.
https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/25911 If you can find any official post using 50 or any other number then @me.
Please don't let our Dunmer pc's be refered to as "outlanders" all the time, some race recognition would be much appriciated.
phantasmalD wrote: »Some of them definitely feel longer. Like High Isle's first quest felt like it'd never end.
Main Stories I think are still the same length, 7-8 quest (although the final one is always a wrap-up quest).
The thing that really got cut are complicated, tiered side stories (like Sun-in-Shadows or Naryu in Vvvardenfell).
We now have companions instead, to fulfill that position.
That's been a thing since Summerset at least. Try interacting with the altmer around Summerset as different race characters... Unless they really take a massive backwards step, ZoS have that covered.