Official Discussion Thread for "Update on Twitch Drops for The Elder Scrolls Online"

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • KaGaOri
    Tried it and seems better than what we had before. No more wondering if got the drop or no, no more missing crates (hopefully), there is even build in timer showing how close to drop you are + inventory of drops we can check. Thumbs up from me.
  • SantieClaws
    An observation.

    It seems if you watch say 7 minutes of a stream but then that stream ends then you can't 'start again' on another stream.

    The stream this one is watching - she has 100% - but no crate.

    The inventory still says 40% - which is about what she got on the previous stream.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Ratzkifal
    It worked for me, but it's definitely easy to miss since you don't actually get a notification. I claimed it right away, but in hindsight I probably should have checked if I can see how long I have left to claim it...
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • prtpj1ub17_ESO
    RedMuse wrote: »
    I too tested it and it work, more or less. There was no link in chat or any kind of message that I had a drop, the chat was semi dead so it wasn't like I could have missed it if it was there. But when I checked my twitch inventory after having run a stream for 17 minutes there was a crate for claiming that was applied to my account instantly.

    There is a box above the chat telling you about drops enabled

  • Araneae6537
    Wait, where or how have you guys tried the new drops??? I didn’t get any notification, and checking the channel now, I’m seeing that the last ESO video was three days ago — nothing from today.
  • majulook
    So how long until the drops are available in game? Its been 4 hours since I claimed it on twitch and not available in game yet.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
  • Nairinhe
    Wait, where or how have you guys tried the new drops??? I didn’t get any notification, and checking the channel now, I’m seeing that the last ESO video was three days ago — nothing from today.

    Check the "Streamers page" link at the end of the article.
  • Araneae6537
    Nairinhe wrote: »

    Check the "Streamers page" link at the end of the article.

    Thank you! Although I am still confused as to why I see no sign of it on the ESO Twitch channel and didn’t receive any notification about it. :confused:
  • Nairinhe

    Thank you! Although I am still confused as to why I see no sign of it on the ESO Twitch channel and didn’t receive any notification about it. :confused:

    What is ESO Twitch channel? The Bethesda one, where they run ESO Live? I'm not sure it was online today at all.
  • SerraKBella
    There is a test event for the new drops system tomorrow:

    01/15/21 @ 10AM - 01/15/21 @ 3PM EDT (Stream Team streams)
    majulook wrote: »
    Looks like a test run of the new drop process on Jan 15th

    This in a link at the bottom of the streamers page:

    New Twitch Drops Test Run
    01/15/21 @ 10AM - 01/15/21 @ 3PM EDT
    01/15/21 @ 3PM EDT

    Stream Team streams are Twitch Drop-enabled during this event.
    Tune in for 15 mins to receive a drop.

    These two post are what made me aware there was even a test going on earlier today. I read through the article and did not realize there was going to be a test for us to try until I read these. (Thank you for posting @Holmarion19 and @majulook ).

    I was able to watch an ESO stream team and after 15 minutes I did see the notification about the reward. I claimed it and waited a while (I was already in my game - Xbox NA) and it wasn't until I logged out to the start screen and back in that I received my drop.

    It did work today, but I am a little confused to how long (in the future) I would have to claim the rewards. I think the article states until the end of the event. So for the big reveal on the 26th, I assume I have until the end of the stream to claim it? I would love some clarification on that from ZOS, If possible. Thank you.

  • Integral1900
    Nairinhe wrote: »

    You got it all wrong. Enduring watching a stream is not a payment for a drop, instead a drop is a bonus for watching a stream you wanted to watch anyway.

    Open the stream, set a timer, check the chat when it runs out?

    Ahhh but there in resides the problem for I fear you have missed the point I was making entirely ...

    That being not wanting to watch said twitch stream in the first place...

    Luckily I have a fix for that, there being not a single one I’ve ever come across that doesn’t have horrifically irritating jingles on it I can simply ignore this, it’s not as if anything good is ever come out of those crates in any case and it’s certainly not worth spending the time to get one to 3 more crystals LOL
  • Painik
    Not having to claim it manually but getting it automatically if we qualify for it (15+ mins) while using the top bar Notification icon to give us warning we got it would be probably better. Or keep it with claim, but definitely make use of the Notification icon.
    Solar powered.
  • majulook

    Why do the new twitch drops not appear in the game?

    My twitch account shows a claimed drop from the test on Jan 15th, but it is not available in game.

    At least the other way they were available in the game.

    OK Got it figured out some how my ESO account was not longer linked to Twitch BUT Twitch Was still linked to ESO Not sure what happened to do this.
    Edited by majulook on 17 January 2021 19:30
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
  • Hallothiel
    This is probably a stupid question, but use the Twitch app on mobike and can’t find anything that remotely looks like a Drops Inventory page - where is it?

    Ignore pls. Found it (& its very obvious) but wasn’t there before!!
    Edited by Hallothiel on 19 January 2021 18:40
  • FlaviusPK
    Add drops info to the game login screen or launcher.
  • Jayne_Doe
    The instructions indicate that a pop-up window should appear when linking your Twitch account that asks you to allow your ESO account to accept drops. My account was already linked, so I unlinked and re-linked but never got that pop-up confirmation window.

    We'll see if I get any drops. I did try testing during the testing period, but before my 15 minutes came around, the stream I was watching apparently stopped offering drops, as the "drops enabled" tag disappeared.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on 21 January 2021 21:00
  • wolfie1.0.
    The account page to login to the eso website is down. which means people can't verify
  • ZOS_Chiroptera
    Hey folks, store and account maintenance is now complete, so you should now be able to link your accounts to earn drops.

    If you're unable to link your Twitch and ESO accounts before the end of the stream, you can contact Customer Support at for assistance.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Dhuz_groWiggin
    My experience:
    I saw more than 90k viewers on the stream at the start, and now, 15 minutes after the scheduled end of the drops, still more than 66k. I qualified for the pet+3 crates, and was at 37% of the 4th crate when the clock stopped. I did not click at exact 30 minute intervals, closer to 33 minutes, because I was more focused on the content than on the awards.

    If less than half of the viewers qualified for all 4 crates, then the system might not be working as desired.
  • Jynx718
    Soul Shriven
    I watched the reveal. But the drops were broken for me. When I tried to claim stuff, it gave me an error code. I went to the forum, but didn't know where to go from there. How do I get my pet and anything else? Was this the point of the switch? Not cool.
  • FaceDancer
    I only got one crate then even when the message from a drop unlock appears and go to the drops page say that only got one unlocked and no one to claim
  • belfong
    I watched for almost 30 minutes on mobile but didn't get the drop. I only joined an hour later though, so does it work mid-stream?

    Update: I am now at desktop and went to Twitch. I could see the Drops in my browser, but when I clicked "Claim Now", it gives me an Error.
    Edited by belfong on 27 January 2021 02:17
  • WalkingCodex
    Hi! Respectfully requesting a 'drop down's choice for Twitch drop issues on the support ticket form. I am submitting one and choosing correctly is iffy.

  • Araneae6537
    I watched the whole Twitch event and only got one crate — logged into the game to check and confirm that it was only one. I did receive the pet.

    I use Araneae6537 on Twitch to make it simpler and my account is linked anyway — you can see I was on the whole time, commenting and accepting the Twitch channel points.
  • Gramma
    Soul Shriven
    Just awful. i asked multiple times how to get my crate drops and had no response. i logged in to twitch at 4:30 est and watched the entire thing until it ended and only got one crate and the pet. i feel cheated out of the other crates that i earned and tricked into watching the whole thing for less than what was promised.
  • Gramma
    Soul Shriven
    From Twitch FAQ:

    So it's even better than old system. You don't have to watch stream and watch for 15-minutes spot. You can just start stream and claim reward couple hours later. In old system I had streams played for many hours, because I never knew if I have this drop or not. Today for test, I started random stream, wrote this post and already claimed drop from inventory. It was easy and very convienant, now I can close stream :)

    Also if you click on your account icon (in right, upper corner), you can see progress of your drop.

    I'm really happy with changes :)

    EDIT: I started ESO and crate is already in game - that was fast!

    they lied. i was only able to receive one crate and one pet after watching the entire live stream form 4:30 pm est until it ended.
  • Gramma
    Soul Shriven
    don't think i will invest any more time into their streams. i used to watch them, but now they are pointless because they don't give customers what they promised.
  • Gramma
    Soul Shriven

    "Drops for The Elder Scrolls Online can include Ouroboros Crown Crates, which contain a random selection of in-game consumables such as Crown Poisons, Mimic Stones, Riding Lessons, or Experience Scrolls. They also have an extremely rare chance to contain an exclusive Senche of Scarlet Regret mount or Senche Cub of Scarlet Regret pet."

    I am not sure if I understand it correctly. I can get a Ouroboros Crown Crate OR very rarely I get a mount or pet. Does this mean that Ouroboros Crown Crates do not include the mount or pet anymore ? And mount or pet can now "drop" as a separate code / reward ?

    It written in a very confusing way tbh....

    Also, since there is a requirement to claim drops manually, but instead... drops are "Guaranteed" (previously it was rng %). Is that correct ?
    "You are guaranteed a Drop once you meet the 15 minute requirement"

    And one more question:
    "Important: In some cases you may have a limited time to claim your Drops, so be sure to grab them as soon as you see the notification"

    How much is "limited"? Is it a day or less ? ? ? That is kinda a "vital" information...

    the drop crates only drop potions or poisons which can be turned into crown gems which can be spent. but the new system is so bad, they only offered one single crate and the pet after i invested so much time into "participating in chat" from 4:30 pm until the entire stream was over. it's a scam to make you watch the stream for less loot.
  • iTheApprentice
    Soul Shriven
    I never got the pet or a crate...
    Both my progress bars stopped at 66% and 33% respectively. I watched rhe whole thing and participated in the chat several times. No pop ups or even any progression.
    I play all classes with all roles.
    Playing support is just so much more rewarding don't you think?
  • Merlin13KAGL
    An observation.

    It seems if you watch say 7 minutes of a stream but then that stream ends then you can't 'start again' on another stream.

    The stream this one is watching - she has 100% - but no crate.

    The inventory still says 40% - which is about what she got on the previous stream.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    @SantieClaws , I noticed this too. the %'s on the main drop down menu and the %'s on the actual Drops webpage didn't always match up.

    Refreshing the drops page seemed to help, but depending on the timeframe of claim, not having correct information from the main page seems like a potential issue.

    The ultimate goal is to get people to actual watch the stream content, correct, not constantly jump from page to page to make sure they aren't missing out on a drop because the numbers don't match up.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
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