Hi, I am writing on behalf of one of the guilds that took part in the contest.
We made a video according to the rules and submitted it successfully, but unfortunately, our video is not there on the Youtube list. The guild is "Mercenaries of the Gold Coast", here is our contest entry.
Would be possible to clarify why our video was not included in the playlist, please? Did we violate any of the contest terms?
Many thanks in advance!
ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »
Hey there! Unfortunately, we had a lot of amazing submissions and couldn't include them all in the playlist or gallery.
Thank you for your reply!
However, I am afraid that I still do not quite understand.
Am I correct that from more than 200 videos sent for the contest and made according to the contest rules, someone (we do not know who) chose 91 (?) videos, possibly according to some criteria (we do not know which)?
In this case, the procedure seems to be raising a bunch of questions.
1. If the contest is about unity and guild promotion, why some of the guild video entries were excluded from the list of all of the contestants?
It is quite obvious that excluded guilds are in fact erased from the contest, as if they never submitted a video and never took part in the 'Together' competition. Not only does it discredit all the hard work and spirit that people invested in their videos (regardless on the contest makers' personal likings), but it also means that less people will see these 'excluded' videos. Less people to see - less people to join. The contest is about ... guild recruitment, then again...?
2. What were the criteria of in/ex-cluding? Someone (we do not even know who, again) decided that 91 videos should be in the list, and the rest, say, 91 - should not. Why? Neither this procedure nor the criteria were mentioned in the contest rules.
It hurts quite a bit to be not welcomed to the club, I must say. Does not kindle wholehearted enthusiasm to take part in any further events, that's for sure.
3. Why 91 videos? Why not 100, idk?
The YouTube playlists provide room for a lot more. Why couldn't you include everyone eligible to the rules in the playlist?
Speaking of my guildmates and myself, we did not make a video to win, we did it for fun. From our side, it is not about who won and why - we are okay with that (heap of congrats to the winners, btw^^ amazing job!!!).
It is the decision to erase a lot of good videos from existence, the decision to ignore them as if they were not there, that we find deeply troublesome. It is not about our video alone, of course, but about all the videos that were omitted by someone's personal choice, for the reasons outside of the contest rules.
Therefore, I wonder if you could consider including everyone who took part in the contest both to the gallery and to the playlist.
Wait, why? Is this something to do with copyright (which the authors waive according to the contest rules) or insufficient space on your site?ZOS_SarahHecker wrote: »Hey there! Unfortunately, we had a lot of amazing submissions and couldn't include them all in the playlist or gallery.
Yes it's sad not being able to see them all. My thread for sharing them is live and linked above, but sadly it mostly got trolled, and so far only I have shared my posterWait, why? Is this something to do with copyright (which the authors waive according to the contest rules) or insufficient space on your site?
How do we actually will find all posters that were participate in contest (and this also applies to other contests)? I really want to see them all.