Terrific. 🙁
It’s not like Mac support was that great to begin with. Software issues (dramatically dropping frame rates, complete OS system crashes when porting to some areas) that have been present since as far back as Summerset still have not been fixed. And this just seems like an excuse to drop Macs altogether.
That report is fairly depressing. I can’t imagine that the porting is THAT difficult, it’s not like the system software is vastly different, both the new chip macs and the current ones have the same version of the OS.
I know the “ink” is not dry yet on the deal, but I am wondering how much the buyout is playing into this.
Likely the Mac player base isn't large enough, and it would take significant developer time as well to port (Eso is a massive game).
So those together likely point to having little to no monetary gains from a full on port to the new Macs.
Can't say I'm surprised, the bottom line is always going to be the most important, and likely this decision didn't come from the devs.
Uh-huh. Meanwhile...
“Blizzard announces World of Warcraft will run natively on Apple Silicon from day one”
In other words ZOS finally said we don't care?
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
There's one, and ONLY ONE way to say it "in other words" : it's "the cost/benefit ration of doing this is not good enough in our opinion, so we decided to not do it".
You'd do the same if you were running a company. Every minute of every day.
If you are angry, be angry with apple. This was foreseeable and TESO will not be the only software not supporting the new apple silicon.
If you are angry, be angry with apple. This was foreseeable and TESO will not be the only software not supporting the new apple silicon.
No. I am upset with ESO.
If Blizz can update their client so can ESO. And saying that the game won’t run on M1 when ALL of the other major mmo’s on Mac are running just fine on it shows that they did not even try to see if it is workable.
If the native ESO coding is that bad that they have issues updating it (or even running it), then that is ESO’s fault. It says to me that the current client is hobbled together in a slip shod manner.
Let’s be real here, it’s not like they have to port art assets or sounds. And the M1 macs run using the EXACT SAME OS as the intel ones are running.
This is not like apple did a total rewrite of their system software. This is simply signs of ESO budget cuts.
If you are angry, be angry with apple. This was foreseeable and TESO will not be the only software not supporting the new apple silicon.
No. I am upset with ESO.
If Blizz can update their client so can ESO. And saying that the game won’t run on M1 when ALL of the other major mmo’s on Mac are running just fine on it shows that they did not even try to see if it is workable.
If the native ESO coding is that bad that they have issues updating it (or even running it), then that is ESO’s fault. It says to me that the current client is hobbled together in a slip shod manner.
Let’s be real here, it’s not like they have to port art assets or sounds. And the M1 macs run using the EXACT SAME OS as the intel ones are running.
This is not like apple did a total rewrite of their system software. This is simply signs of ESO budget cuts.
I don't think there's really a reason to be angry at Apple.
Apple is a company that is known for taking innovative (and potentially risky) steps even if they don't match with the current industry standard and are perhaps ahead of the trends. Every review I've seen regarding the new M1 chip has been overwhelmingly positive, and plenty of developers (such as Adobe) are already working on porting to native applications. It would ridiculous to assume that all computer manufacturers would always stick to Intel chips, or whatever chip is the current standard. From Apple's perspective, their move to M1 makes perfect sense. They've provided the tools to help developers transition, so it's up to them to make that call. Additionally:SpoilerLet's be real. Apple knows their market isn't in gaming. They may make some moves towards it every now and then, but never in the same strength as other markets. They know the people using Macs tend to be mostly creative professionals working on stuff like video and photo editing. They market more towards creators and artists. If they can get game developers to make games for Mac and Phones, then great! Awesome!
But they know that PC has the hold that it does on the gaming market, and that isn't going to change anytime soon.
And ZOS's perspective and reasoning also makes just as much sense to them. They know the code that ESO is running on is a bogged down years old mess that becomes unstable with every patch. They even admitted as much in the letter. From their perspective, while the tools are out there to port, they also have numbers and data that suggests that doing so wouldn't even be worth the risk financially. Heck, the code is in a state where porting might cause further instabilities. ZOS higher ups don't see porting being worth the risk or the effort. (Maybe there's a bit of MS influence there, but not as much as people think)
Neither company is really doing anything wrong here. They're just making the decisions that they think is best for the company moving forward. Yeah, it sucks for the Mac Players of ESO, but from what I've heard that isn't anything new. This announcement is just one company reacting to the innovations of another. You can bet if any sort of porting from one chip to another was involved in going to the next-gen consoles, ZOS might have opted not to do that either, depending on the code. On the plus side for Mac users, the higher end iMacs haven't been released with M1s yet, and Intel Macs will still be supported for the time being, and as a plus not Rosetta II seems to be working very well.
Your first problem is using WoW as the rule when in reality WoW is the exception. The engine that WoW uses has been their inhouse thing since the RTS days and entirely designed to be able to work on as many devices it can from the get go.
ESO having used Hero Engine as a core does not have that luxery. I fully expect the number of MMOs that support Mac to tank to probably just WoW and *maybe* some smaller ones.
I'm not sure where you are getting that all the Mac MMOs work in m1 when from what I see only WoW has announced native support while the others are still using x86 emulation (which would also work for ESO).
If ZOS is being bought out for over 7 billion, they should have some resources.
“FFXIV works perfectly (1440p) according to a japanese player with Mac Mini M1”
Gizmodo says civilization runs BETTER on the M1 chip then the intel ones.
JoeCapricorn wrote: »ESO is not like Doom. It's not going to be running on refrigerators anytime soon, unless those start supporting Stadia.
If ZOS is being bought out for over 7 billion, they should have some resources.
“FFXIV works perfectly (1440p) according to a japanese player with Mac Mini M1”
Gizmodo says civilization runs BETTER on the M1 chip then the intel ones.
4 points
7 hours ago
Mind you FFXIV is already running on Mac through Wine, it's not a native Mac game at all. And now it's also going through Rosetta 2. Still it's really good news!
No. I am upset with ESO.
If Blizz can update their client so can ESO. And saying that the game won’t run on M1 when ALL of the other major mmo’s on Mac are running just fine on it shows that they did not even try to see if it is workable.
If the native ESO coding is that bad that they have issues updating it (or even running it), then that is ESO’s fault. It says to me that the current client is hobbled together in a slip shod manner.
Let’s be real here, it’s not like they have to port art assets or sounds. And the M1 macs run using the EXACT SAME OS as the intel ones are running.
This is not like apple did a total rewrite of their system software. This is simply signs of ESO budget cuts.
In other words ZOS finally said we don't care?.