The Reach is beset by dark forces, and even the warrior-king of Markarth needs allies in the battles to come. Are you willing to fight for the Reachfolk against the myriad evils of the Gray Host?
So. Frankly, I don't want to? It's been made obvious the Reachmen in this Era have been nothing but antagonists the entire time, from the base game Alliance zones all the way to Greymoor. They're marauders, pillagers. They eagerly became puppets of the Gray Host simply for the chance at slaughtering Nords and taking Skyrim. Now we're going to fight for them?
Glenmorils wrote: »
The whole point of this storyline is to show that there is more than one side to them. They’re not a monolith anymore than the other races are. It’s a welcome departure from only portraying them as 2 dimensional villains.
A lot of Reachmen fans have complained for years about how they’ve been written. “They’re marauders, pillagers” - did you make the same complaint when Vvardenfell came out (“the Dunmer are slavers”) or Summerset (“the Altmer are all supremacists”)?
Actually I did honestly. Those generalizations you used are actually still very true. Slavery is an ingrained ideology in the entire Dunmeri people, as is Racial superiority in the Altmer. A more appropriate comparison with the Reachmen however would be the Ashlander Dunmer really. Though they weren't portrayed as an inherently hostile people they do act as antagonists on multiple occasions and yet they are also a persecuted offshoot of their people, just like how the Reachment are the estranged cousins of the Nords. Except with the Reachmen it's never to my memory been shown that they wish reconciliation with Skyrim. They've always wanted to "reclaim" their "rightful" lands by force and expand further than that. Even if we'll be shown they have normal lives like normal people with normal backstories back in their home territories, they have no intention to pursue peaceful coexistence.