@ZOS_JessicaFolsom Why is the Jester's Festival taking place at the end of March, a clear month before the actual Jester's Day celebration, which is on 28th Rain's Hand (April)?
damnthevalley_ESO wrote: »I really want the Earthtear Cavern, but I'm terrified of the price considering that the highest crown price for a manor is 15,000 crowns, and the cavern is a few times bigger than the manors currently in game. Whether or not people agree with the prices on the houses, it would certainly be appreciated if Zenimax was more up front about the costs for each house and didn't make players travel in-game to each house to be able to see the price.
That doesn't answer the question though. Jester's Day was made as a Tamrielic equivalent of April Fools, and was placed on 28th Rain's Hand. The Tamrielic holidays between 23rd First Seed and 3rd Rain's Hand are Flower Day, the Festival of Blades, and Gardtide; no Jester's Festivals here.HowellQagan wrote: »I would guess it's April Fools' ingame or something like that.
If the elk had been successful I guess we would be looking at 5k crowns for the cat. Who knows? Maybe they will still price it that way.
The mount is nice but no thanks at that price, so my crown store balance won't be troubled this month. Next...
It all depends on one's definition of success.If the elk had been successful I guess we would be looking at 5k crowns for the cat. Who knows? Maybe they will still price it that way.
treadwyckb14a_ESO wrote: »The cat mount should be green with yellow stripes, just sayin'!
SydneyGrey wrote: »I want the sabre cat mount and cub badly.
But if it's 4500 crowns like the elk, I WILL NOT buy it, no matter how much I want it. Please don't over-price it. Thanks.
Maybe like a prorder thingI quite like the look of the furnishing pack. I was (not very) secretly hoping for the datamined Moth Priest costume to make an appearance, but I live in hope.
The cub looks cute, but as things stand i'll be away on business when that hits the Crown Store and it is highly unlikely I will have the opportunity to buy it. I do wish that whoever is behind the drive or the idea to introduce such very short windows of availability would remember that people are often busy for all sorts of reasons and that not all of us get the opportunity to 'live and breathe' ESO on a daily basis, as much as we would perhaps like to do so!
Could you please take this into consideration in the future and make Crown Store content availability more equitable for all of us?
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom Why is the Jester's Festival taking place at the end of March, a clear month before the actual Jester's Day celebration, which is on 28th Rain's Hand (April)?
@ZOS_JessicaFolsom Why is the Jester's Festival taking place at the end of March, a clear month before the actual Jester's Day celebration, which is on 28th Rain's Hand (April)?