"This place's forbidding black towers are visible for leagues, even through Rivenspire's drifting mists.
Yet the local inhabitants never mention it, behaving as if it doesn't even exist.
But the Crypt of Hearts is no illusion or mirage — it is solid and all too real."
Crypt of Hearts (Agea Relle) loading screen
What does the Luxury Furnisher offer this week?
The Luxury Furnisher Vendor (Zanil Theran) is located north of the bank in the Hollow City, Coldharbour and the Belkarth Festival Grounds in Craglorn.
- Egg, Gruesome 3,000g
- Daedric Key, Coldharbour 5,000g
- Daedric Platform, Sarcophagus 8,000g
- Deadlands Cage, Short 8,000g
- Daedric Sarcophagus, Sealed 10,000g
- Agea Relle Frieze, Feminine Subject 15,000g
- Tapestry of a Failed Incarnate, The Fool 20,000g
- Daedric Brazier, Ritual 25,000g
- Coldharbour Column, Molag Bal Rotating 35,000g
- Daedric Altar, Peryite 40,000g
New item
@Enemoriana. Ru.
Erstwhile Sanctuary as actual Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary,
Hunter's Glade as werewolf tavern (downstairs),
Strident Springs Demesne as adventurer's house.
Wishlist: Furnishing Pack: Haunted Housewares, atronach trader, attunable stations (have 21/80 sets collected), molten war torte and white gold war torte recipes.