Title says it all. I've searched but can't find another topic on this. If a player buys the "Furnished" version of a house via crowns, are all the items inside bound to the player, making them untradeable/unsellable if you don't like some of the furnishings, to make way for furnishings you DO want?
I know the more specialized and seasonal Furnishing packs from the crown store work this way (account-bound), but I'm talking furnishings that are readily available and easily craftable to most players on a normal basis, that come with the furnished version of your house. Asking for a friend before they buy.
Edited by ZOS_Kraken on 30 May 2023 19:13 Thank You ZoS!:
◙ Blackfeather Court banker/merchant
◙ Gloam Indrik
◙ Re-release Gloam Wolf Mount
◙ Evergloam house
Let's See It Happen ZoS:
◙ /honorloop emote
◙ cross-legged sitting emote
◙ Hagraven Polymorph
◙ Hagraven Houseguest