If you cast Vampire's Bane at a target, it will take up to two or three seconds before the DOT kicks in and the target lights up in flames, if you attack the target before this happens, for example with Critical Charge, then the DOT won't kick in at all, and the target won't light up in flames. Sometimes it will kick in, but usually it won't.
That way Vampire's Bane will only do its direct damage, the DOT won't kick in.
This is a bit annoying as someone who likes to charge chase his sun bolt to the target. I have to wait with my charge until I see the target light up in flames, after which he is closer than 22 meters, which means I lose out on my Critical Rush morph damage bonus.
If I play with friends, and they hit the target I fired my Vampire's Bane at, then the DOT just never kicks in, causing me to lose the bulk of my magical damage.
Can anyone else confirm this problem?
Edited by Zsymon on 2 May 2014 16:21