We are working on a fix on our end; the soonest we'll be able to get this out is the first incremental patch, currently scheduled on November 14.
Any possible fix for an issue as big as this one needs to be tested. That is after they find the cause and implement a change. Seems to be quite a few things affected by the update so chasing down the cause will take some time.
Node detection library is only added by things like Harvest Map. If you disable the library in the folder under Harvest Map, you should be able to use the rest of your addons. Also, disable the "hide followers in towns" setting if you have it on as it seems to cause some crash issues as well.
I'm running 76 addons without any crashes since the update - because I don't have anything that inserts the node detection library.
It's NOT ALL addons that is causing the crashing.
And you can turn it off at the character select screen by clicking Addons on the Left side and scroll down to Libraries and uncheck it there.
Or by doing what @TaSheen said.
I choose to just uncheck it in Libraries in Addons on my character select screen and have had no crashes.
Node detection library is only added by things like Harvest Map. If you disable the library in the folder under Harvest Map, you should be able to use the rest of your addons. Also, disable the "hide followers in towns" setting if you have it on as it seems to cause some crash issues as well.
I'm running 76 addons without any crashes since the update - because I don't have anything that inserts the node detection library.
Mm, well then that's a problem, as I use HarvestMap.