[Enchanting] Aspect Extraction question

So, I'm curious about the perk Aspect Extraction. Do people take it?

I ask because I'm not sure that increasing the chance of extracting Aspect Runes is such a good thing, when, at least in my case, Potency Runes are the actual bottleneck.

Is this perk supposed to increase your chance of getting Aspect Runes and thus make more glyphs, and I just happen to be the odd man out who gets plenty of Aspect Runes but few Potency Runes? Or is Potency rareness the norm, and the value of this perk is that increasing your chance of Aspect Runes increases your chance of purple and gold Aspect Runes?

More experienced enchanters, I ask you, is it worth it?
Edited by MasterSpatula on 3 May 2014 07:35
"A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • twev
    My enchant 'toon is a LVL-16 with LVL-10 enchant so far. I have one point in Aspect extraction, and I'm getting more 'Ta'.
    I expect more Ta is used in low level glyphs, sure, but I had over 100 Ta that I gathered in the wild. I'm already crafting with Denata, so getting more Ta at this stage is kind of annoying when it could have been one of the other two runes that would have been more welcome.

    My point is that I foolishly got it too early, thinking I was going to continue getting better glyphs to deconstruct, but so far I'm back to lower level glyphs.

    Just my opinion.
    I have lots of opinions.
    Edited by twev on 3 May 2014 12:09
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Beryl
    I like it. My enchanting as at lvl39 now so there is still a lot to level. I do have more potency runes than coloured aspect runes. I find it quite enjoying when I can buy blue-purple glyphs for deconstructing and end up with valuable aspect runes which can be used for higher level glyphs (on top of XP for which I bought those runes). I have no interest in getting low level potency runes anyway. Maybe once my enchanting is maxed I would respec and remove this trait, just like I did with all the keen eye traits I don't need now.
  • Thete
    I find aspect runes to be the most problematic to acquire from drops and hirelings, so I take the skill.
  • Uberchunk2525
    Soul Shriven
    I would take it. IF you have the abundance of aspects that you say and potency becomes the bottle neck, just sell the overflow to help provide you with more gold to buy potency. Runes man, we need em.
  • Doskias
    The quality of the aspect rune extracted from a glyph is based on the quality of the glyph. The skill merely increases the chances you will get an aspect rune instead of or in addition to a potency/essence. If I recall you can get more than one rune from a glyph on extraction. Correct me if I am wrong.
    NA Server Daggerfall Covenant
    Master Crafter Weapons, Armor, Potions,Glyphs, Food Coming soon
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