Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24

ESO on OS Monterey


ESO is presently a mess on Monterey. When it loads it is unplayable. Can support please confirm that this matter is in hand?

Edited by ZOS_Bill on 9 February 2022 18:09
  • aldriq
    What issues are you having? I did upgrade to Monterey yesterday and I've been able to play normally last night and tonight, no nasty compatibility surprises this time around thankfully (though the first load of the game after the upgrade took longer, maybe texture cache rebuild?)
  • Amottica
    This statement from Matt may be related.
  • Elsonso
    Amottica wrote: »
    This statement from Matt may be related.

    That is talking about the new ARM processors, not MacOS updates.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Sanemancured
    On the opening screens there is a red background that used to be there for a short while but is now there much longer. This has been a precursor to issues before. The game takes ages to load, especially the screen before the player screen.

    Once loaded targeting doesn't work at all and the mouse for movement also doesn't work. I have tried changing setting but the issues remain.

    Completely unplayable. Can I please have confirmation that this is being looked at as I'm 100% certain I won't be alone in this.

  • boramil
    I upgraded to Monterey as well, and I have had absolutely no problems playing.
  • Alvalanna
    What Mac are you using? On September 23rd, they updated the minimum and recommended system requirements for Mac:
  • Sanemancured
    My machine is a high spec 2017 with 8Gb video RAM. It's still totally unplayable. Fine before, broken after.
  • Roswador der Wolf
    Roswador der Wolf
    Soul Shriven

    so, I updated ESO for MAC on my iMAC Pro with Radeon Pro Vega 64 16 GB from MAC OS Big Sur to Monterey. I found out the following problems:

    1. At startup of ESO via STEAMS and ESO Launcher there comes a full window with grey background and nothing more. After 1 to 2 minutes this window will be closed without an error message (neither from ESO nor from Mac).

    2. At startup of ESO via STEAMS and ESO Launcher there comes a full window which goes over to full screen, then comes a red background with the introducing video with sound, which runs very slow, then comes the login window with the automatic login performed very well, then comes the next background screen but without any sound and the progress wheel button right has a lot of freezings. This window stays about 1 minute, then comes the next window with a message about the automatic log out because of non activity. That is funny, because the character windows were never come...

    3. ESO starts, login normally and I can select my character and ESO is running well.

    From 1. to 3. all situations appear about 33% / 33% / 33%. That means I need to reload ESO 3 times until I can play it. Sometimes it helps to logout / login or restart Mac OS Monterey...

    4. At normal playing ESO starts with 70 to 90 FPS at high settings and runs very smooth. So more time I play ESO there are more and more stuttering, the FPS decreases to 50 (after 1 hour maybe) to more lower 25 (after 2 hours maybe). When I exit ESO and start it again at the same position / situation (at a boss fight of pledges for example), ESO runs again with high FPS and smooth until 2 hours, then I am low performance again. This behavior I had already since mid time of Big Sur. Neither the update 32 from ESO nor the update of Monterey fixed it.

    5. Sometimes at normal running ESO crashes. The screen freezes, the mouse and keyboard not more working and I hear a crazy beep sound. But at the second screen Discord still works, I can communicate with my friends and the chat screen shows incoming text changes. Because the keyboard not more running I only can make a hard reset of my iMAC Pro. This behavior I had already since mid time of Big Sur. Neither the update 32 from ESO nor the update of Monterey fixed it.

    The advertised performance improvements I really cannot not recognize at my playing ESO since 5 years at my MAC systems...

  • Squatch4x4
    Just upgraded my 2020 M1 MBP to Monterey and it looks like it's working normally. This thread scared me a little bit, but so far so good. I'll update later if anything crazy happens.
  • IllyMcr
    Soul Shriven
    I held. off a while, have a MacBook Pro 16 inch 2019 but decided to update to Monterey today. I had to force quit the game as it wouldn't load the first time, after that it worked normally thank Sithis. Good luck.
  • Gympanze
    Soul Shriven
    Squatch4x4 wrote: »
    Just upgraded my 2020 M1 MBP to Monterey and it looks like it's working normally. This thread scared me a little bit, but so far so good. I'll update later if anything crazy happens.

    Is EOS still running fine on your M1?
    I can play the Game in with High graphic settings.. no problem. But if I do an Attack and turn around it take 1-2 sek to turn the camera. But only If I attack.
  • Squatch4x4
    Gympanze wrote: »
    Squatch4x4 wrote: »
    Just upgraded my 2020 M1 MBP to Monterey and it looks like it's working normally. This thread scared me a little bit, but so far so good. I'll update later if anything crazy happens.

    Is EOS still running fine on your M1?
    I can play the Game in with High graphic settings.. no problem. But if I do an Attack and turn around it take 1-2 sek to turn the camera. But only If I attack.

    Yes, it's still working great. 40-60 FPS on High settings at 900p in fullscreen mode. No crashes either after patch 32. Also runs smooth on my external monitor at 1080 and 1440p.
  • DigiAngel
    I can confirm that the "red screen, bad performance" hit me as well. However...I'd neglected to remember that after any OS upgrade, several processes run in the background that update GPS and face recognition in Photos. This is one of after letting the machine alone until those were complete, ESO run just fine after that.
  • MatarRebel
    Just installed ESO of Macbook Pro (Monterey 12.2, i5 @ 2Ghz, 16GB RAM, 1.5G Intel Iris). After dealing with the spinning camera, noticed (mid-day western US TZ) crazy lag, especially with sprinting. Display froze after more than 3 seconds (on Macbook display; testing with external HDMI display thru Configear hub). I sincerely this isn't another example of a gamemaker half-assing a game port to Mac. Any suggestions on arcane config tweaks to help with playability on Macbook?
    "In all things reward only Truth and Fact; opinion and popular hysteria lead only away from Truth." ~Unknown Stoic
  • ZOS_Bill
    As this discussion is now over 6 months old, we've decided to close out the thread. If you still need assistance, please feel free to start a new thread in the Mac Support forum.
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