PS5: Login Failed ...

Nova Sky
Nova Sky

I'm not sure what's going on, but this started popping up in the last few days. The wording is "Connection to server timed out. Please try again later."

I've tested my online connection, and it's fine with the PS5 and other devices. I've quit out of ESO and relaunched, but the same error pops up again.

The latest occurrence happened at 2:54 a.m. CST on Nov. 8 while trying to log into the North American server.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on 19 November 2021 18:40
"Wheresoever you go, go with all of your heart."
  • LordRukia
    If you keep trying it should work, me and guildies experiencing the same. It takes a few attempts. On the other hand I just got booted from server and can't log in 🙀😿
  • Nova Sky
    Nova Sky
    LordRukia wrote: »
    If you keep trying it should work, me and guildies experiencing the same. It takes a few attempts. On the other hand I just got booted from server and can't log in 🙀😿

    *nods* I was finally able to log in but, like you said, it took a number of attempts.
    "Wheresoever you go, go with all of your heart."
  • Destai
    I find my login fails if there's a "announcements could not be retrieved" message where the announcements should be.
  • MissPan3024
    Been trying for 2 hours to get in today. I won’t go into details on the extremely time consuming attempts that support has walked me through. Needless to say, I CANT LOAD THE GAME STILL. I have put in a lot of tickets. When is this going to be fixed?????????
  • TequilaFire
    I have to log into the EU server before it let's me log into the NA server.
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    Same here. Ps5 NA. started happening Friday evening for me.
  • El_Borracho
    Been happening on PS4 too. The tell tale sign is the message "Announcements failed to load" or something like that. Takes 1-3 tries before getting in.
  • Avoranti
    It is happening on PS4 as well NA
  • Nova Sky
    Nova Sky
    Hmm. Is this a new issue for PS4/PS4 Pro/PS5 users, then? I thought it might have just been me at first, but that's apparently not the case.
    "Wheresoever you go, go with all of your heart."
  • renne
    This is a new issue, the past couple of days.

    I find if I restart my ps5 I can usually get in.
  • ApostateHobo
    This just happened to me PS4 NA, so not just a next gen issue. Wonder what's up with the servers right now to cause this.
  • Hapexamendios
    If the announcements aren't showing up on NA, switch back and forth between servers until they show up. Then you should be able to log in.
  • DragonRacer
    Yup, can confirm this is a recent issue on PS4 NA as well. I usually have to attempt a login 2-3 times to finally get in anymore these days.

    I also have been experiencing more disconnects, with more frequent trouble getting back in after a disconnect. It feels like the idle auto-kick timer has changed... used to be I could stand around for at least 10 minutes or so - even taking time to move my controller every few minutes (which should reset the idle timer, one would logically think) - to answer a text on my phone and be fine. Now half the time I'll be greeted by the ever-ultra-loud main screen and ESO scolding me to make sure I have a valid Internet connection (you know, while I'm actively using my phone and laptop which are... connected to the Internet the ESO servers think I don't have apparently).

    More frequent encounters with the "this account is already logged in" screen when I get the boot. And last week - thankfully AFTER I finished placing trader bids - I was booted out because I dared to stand still for 15 seconds by a wayshrine, was booted off, and met an error screen I'd never seen before that was some generic "Error 307 You Have Been Booted From The Server" and no amount of trying to log back in would get me there. I flat out just had to stop playing ESO and go play Red Dead Online - you know, with that Internet connection I supposedly do not have - and was finally able to get back into ESO later that night.

    Now, look, I realize Comcast is trash but it's our main option for this area. I live in a very populated city, so it's not like this is some sort of limited country Internet on a mountaintop, but it's also not such a populated city that there should be some sort of race with connections to get the best ping or whatever. My PS4 is also literally hard-wired, so it is not competing with the wireless devices. And every other Internet-dependent item in this house encounters far less issues. I also usually have less disconnection issues on Rockstar servers, so this whole ESO telling me to make sure I have an Internet connection thing is starting to have a common denominator, ZOS.

    (Weren't we supposed to be getting new servers? I know it wasn't supposed to help "gameplay performance", but staying actually connected to the servers for a length of time like Ye Olden Days would be groovy.)
    PS5 NA. GM of The PTK's - a free trading guild (CP 500+). Also a werewolf, bites are free when they're available. PSN = DragonRacer13
  • Lixiviant
    Same situation here, both on the PS4 and PS5 for NA. Always "Announcements Failed to Load"; then, "Login Failed - Connection to server timed out. Please try again later.". Been happening for 3 days now.

    Been an hour now.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Is this being addressed?

    PS4/PS5/NA - And now EU

    Daedroth might bite, just letting you know
  • Feljax
    Had the same issue last night on both my PS4 and PS5. Never got to play yesterday because of it.
  • lillybit
    I've been playing on both NA and EU servers recently (EU is my local one) and only been having this problem with NA so assumed it was to do with my location. If I change the selection to EU and back (don't have to log in, just change it) it so far has always let me in.
    PS4 EU
  • Avoranti
    Started over the weekend for me. The announcements not showing and failed log in. I also crashed to an error screen which rarely ever happens. Still happening today as well.

    I can’t believe someone from the team hasn’t responded on this issue yet though.
  • ApostateHobo
    Yup, can confirm this is a recent issue on PS4 NA as well. I usually have to attempt a login 2-3 times to finally get in anymore these days.

    I also have been experiencing more disconnects, with more frequent trouble getting back in after a disconnect. It feels like the idle auto-kick timer has changed... used to be I could stand around for at least 10 minutes or so - even taking time to move my controller every few minutes (which should reset the idle timer, one would logically think) - to answer a text on my phone and be fine. Now half the time I'll be greeted by the ever-ultra-loud main screen and ESO scolding me to make sure I have a valid Internet connection (you know, while I'm actively using my phone and laptop which are... connected to the Internet the ESO servers think I don't have apparently).

    More frequent encounters with the "this account is already logged in" screen when I get the boot. And last week - thankfully AFTER I finished placing trader bids - I was booted out because I dared to stand still for 15 seconds by a wayshrine, was booted off, and met an error screen I'd never seen before that was some generic "Error 307 You Have Been Booted From The Server" and no amount of trying to log back in would get me there. I flat out just had to stop playing ESO and go play Red Dead Online - you know, with that Internet connection I supposedly do not have - and was finally able to get back into ESO later that night.

    Now, look, I realize Comcast is trash but it's our main option for this area. I live in a very populated city, so it's not like this is some sort of limited country Internet on a mountaintop, but it's also not such a populated city that there should be some sort of race with connections to get the best ping or whatever. My PS4 is also literally hard-wired, so it is not competing with the wireless devices. And every other Internet-dependent item in this house encounters far less issues. I also usually have less disconnection issues on Rockstar servers, so this whole ESO telling me to make sure I have an Internet connection thing is starting to have a common denominator, ZOS.

    (Weren't we supposed to be getting new servers? I know it wasn't supposed to help "gameplay performance", but staying actually connected to the servers for a length of time like Ye Olden Days would be groovy.)

    Yeah I've noticed the auto-logout has been kinda wonky too. Like I can get up to go to the bathroom while waiting for the character selection to load when switching characters and in the 2 minutes it takes me it's already booted me to the title screen telling me about my invalid internet connection lol.
  • katanagirl1
    I see these same error messages as well, though I am able to log in after a few attempts.

    I also have been getting a dropped connection often when switching characters lately, and have to relog from the main screen again.
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • EpicHero
    Yes, this is happening to my wife and me to for the last few days... it sometimes takes us up to 4 tries to finally log in.

    It always happens after clicking PLAY on the server select screen, and the character select screen never comes up, you get kicked back to the title screen instead.
  • renne
    lillybit wrote: »
    I've been playing on both NA and EU servers recently (EU is my local one) and only been having this problem with NA so assumed it was to do with my location. If I change the selection to EU and back (don't have to log in, just change it) it so far has always let me in.

    Can confirm this just worked for me. Flipped to EU - didn't log in, got the maintenance message - flipped back to NA and the announcements loaded and I could log in fine.
  • Destai
    @ZOS_Kevin Can we get an acknowledgement of this issue please? Been ongoing for a over a week for many of us.
  • renne
    renne wrote: »
    lillybit wrote: »
    I've been playing on both NA and EU servers recently (EU is my local one) and only been having this problem with NA so assumed it was to do with my location. If I change the selection to EU and back (don't have to log in, just change it) it so far has always let me in.

    Can confirm this just worked for me. Flipped to EU - didn't log in, got the maintenance message - flipped back to NA and the announcements loaded and I could log in fine.

    Can also confirm after a few more days of this error, this works about as often as it doesn't. Sometimes it's still completely restarting the machine to be able to login.
  • Chrisbar
    Bumping this back up as this is still an issue after today's Deadlands update. Both on PS4 and PS5.
  • renne
    A friend who plays on Xbox says it's happening there too.
  • ApostateHobo
    Still happening after today's maintenance and update, and seeing as how this is happening on xbox now as well something is definitely funky with the NA console servers. When I switch to EU it loads the announcements and connects no problem so it's not something wrong client side, wonder why it's only the NA servers acting up.
  • ZOS_Bill
    As the OP login issue has now been resolved, we are going to close the thread from further commentary.
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