Welp what else can i say folks , this is typical Microsoft. For a company that makes the world's most used OS, it has been my experience with the few Microsoft games i have tried are consistently problematic. Another common attribute is the speed which they work to solve problems - glacial.
Everything on my system works fine until i run ESO. IF i am lucky i can run firefox or another app...for a while.... If i run Brave browser and watch youtube the system immediately crashes and Brave displays an "out of memory error".
The system crashes , i can use the task mananger to end tasks but this still does not free up the memory and i have to restart the system.
Frequently i have to cold boot the system because it is hanging in "restart" .
6 months ago i had to reroute my USB cooling system because ESO was killing my USB devices , now this....
Guys , seriously ,, get with the program and lift your game , you have an awesome game in your stable. Care for it like a Stallion not a donkey.