What Problems are Most Important to Fix?

  • Supersomething
    Skill Balance / Combat Issues
    Bots and Gold farmers seem to be only prevalent at the low level zones, so I do not find them to be an exceedingly huge issue. The Guild Spam and Mail thing is slightly annoying, but I just typically ignore it.

    Skill balance, and combat issues are quite pressing at the moment I think. Passives not working, melee and bow combat still feeling clunky, skills not firing when they're supposed to, etc, these are things that should probably be worked out. Especially before the major group content update.

    I would have selected player economy/crafting as well if there was an option to choose two because some professions *cough* enchanting *cough* need to be looked at and the economy is just in a sorry state.

    Quest bugs are slowly but surely getting knocked out so at this point this falls to the third in priorities in comparison to the other two I listed, for me. Then again I am doing VR content and I do not see nearly as many bugs currently.

    Edited by Supersomething on 24 April 2014 14:14
    Remember, you're unique... just like everyone else.
    Tiberius Aulus
  • Eris
    Other (Please Specify)
    Im surprised lag doesnt dominate this poll. I have been ignoring gold farmers and now I havent seen a single one of them. It is mere annoyance whereas lags/bugs are actually making the game unplayable at times

    I've not experienced any lag since launch, this might be why it's not as high on the priority.

    Anyone who does a dungeon experiences botters and everyone who has zone open will see at least one message from a gold spammer before they can be ignored. So that is probably why it is higher.

    Additionally, myself I've not encountered more than one or two bugs since launch so anyone in my shoes would have a similar response.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Raubrey
    Broken Quests / Bugs / Lag

    Even though quests/bugs/lag is a sweeping category, I chose that response as I believe it is what turns most people away from the game.

    I would have chosen customer support but decided that they would never have better customer support until some of the problems are reduced. Bugs and lag seem more problematic now then the first couple of weeks.

    Greybeards & Gals Founder
  • ZoM_Head
    Other (Please Specify)
    Eris wrote: »
    There was no option for all of the above. I don't really think they should focus on any one problem as they should all be addressed as equally important.

    This is true.....Biggest problem for me? How the game is not running in true full screen mod, hence AMD and NVIDIA can not release appropiate drivers and we get some insane FPS drops in weird areas. Overall performance is okay, but it needs a patch as well as the FOV slider for 1st person.

    No SLI/Xfire support till now as well.....basically a patch to get the perofmance right first, then work on in game bugs,economy, crafts etc....
    Edited by ZoM_Head on 24 April 2014 15:08
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • Gisgo
    Anything affecting characters should have a super high priority.
    Then maybe broken quests (everyone is leveling right now).
    Skill balance is VERY important but a longer process (you need to collect a lot of data before tuning anything).
  • Cats525
    Bots and Gold Farmers
    Eris wrote: »
    Im surprised lag doesnt dominate this poll. I have been ignoring gold farmers and now I havent seen a single one of them. It is mere annoyance whereas lags/bugs are actually making the game unplayable at times

    I've not experienced any lag since launch, this might be why it's not as high on the priority.

    Same here, also while a bug in the main questline should be fixed as soon as possible, one or two broken side quests won't drive me away from the game. Something else does however and the bots and goldsellers are a huge part of it.

    At the moment only about one third of the time I spend ingame is spent with actually playing the game. Another third is spent with distributing all the loot (crafting materials, items for research and deconstruction, and no, I don't need your advice not to store aged meat, I already got rid of that) to the characters with the right profession (have 6 chars, each was assigned one profession), because while you can craft with the materials being in the bank and the bank is shared, which would actually be the perfect solution to prevent having to log to all chars, it's not nearly big enough.

    And since I tried my best to be a good supporter of the anti-bot/goldseller faction and until recently reported every spammer, mail sender, goldseller guild inviter, boss farmer bot and, almost didn't trust my eyes first time I saw it, teleport-hack-using crafting material farmer... this resulted in also about one third of my time spent just with reporting people... The last straw is that the bots in public dungeons not only make fighting the boss almost impossible and somewhat pointless, but them and the general high number of players per public dungeon instance really destroy all of the atmosphere of those dungeons. What this game mostly does to me atm is making me want to play Skyrim again, which I've already started yesterday.
    Edited by Cats525 on 24 April 2014 16:39
  • Arkaeon
    Soul Shriven
    Other (Please Specify)
    This is why I selected the "Other" survey option.

    Structural changes in inventory management.
    - Divide current inventory and bank space into several "tabs", giving the players the ability to sort and arrange.
    - Add more specific filters to the searching/browsing feature in Guild Bank.
    - ...Stick with the idea of the game instead of aligning it with competing games, but try to make the current in-game systems work more smoothly (For example, don't add an Auction House just because half the players want it. The other half may just want to play not-WoW. Instead, make existing store features more efficient)
  • Varivox9
    Other (Please Specify)
    I say "other" but what I want is "all of the above." These issues that were listed, not a single one of them is a "small" problem by any means. This game, while I really like it, should not have been released for at least another 6 months imo.

    I'm pretty patient when it comes to newly released games, especially MMO's, but this is one of the worst launches I've seen in quite a while...
  • Malediktus
    Other (Please Specify)
    Broken achievements and the eidelic memory
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Brennan
    Bots and Gold Farmers
    Cats525 wrote: »
    Eris wrote: »
    Im surprised lag doesnt dominate this poll. I have been ignoring gold farmers and now I havent seen a single one of them. It is mere annoyance whereas lags/bugs are actually making the game unplayable at times

    I've not experienced any lag since launch, this might be why it's not as high on the priority.

    Same here, also while a bug in the main questline should be fixed as soon as possible, one or two broken side quests won't drive me away from the game. Something else does however and the bots and goldsellers are a huge part of it.

    At the moment only about one third of the time I spend ingame is spent with actually playing the game. Another third is spent with distributing all the loot (crafting materials, items for research and deconstruction, and no, I don't need your advice not to store aged meat, I already got rid of that) to the characters with the right profession (have 6 chars, each was assigned one profession), because while you can craft with the materials being in the bank and the bank is shared, which would actually be the perfect solution to prevent having to log to all chars, it's not nearly big enough.

    And since I tried my best to be a good supporter of the anti-bot/goldseller faction and until recently reported every spammer, mail sender, goldseller guild inviter, boss farmer bot and, almost didn't trust my eyes first time I saw it, teleport-hack-using crafting material farmer... this resulted in also about one third of my time spent just with reporting people... The last straw is that the bots in public dungeons not only make fighting the boss almost impossible and somewhat pointless, but them and the general high number of players per public dungeon instance really destroy all of the atmosphere of those dungeons. What this game mostly does to me atm is making me want to play Skyrim again, which I've already started yesterday.

    The worst part about MMOs is the other players. I completely agree that the crowds of people trying to farm delve bosses needs to be addressed further. In the last patch they added a timer to prevent people from getting loot after obtaining loot from the boss. In spite of this, the farmers are still there attacking the boss before I even see him spawn. I like that they are trying to counter this strategy - it still needs some work.

    I love the public dungeon concept. I love ad hoc psuedo-grouping with people. But when you get to the boss and there's already a dozen people there repeatedly killing the boss in 2-3 seconds, it kind of loses it's epicness.

  • Valmond
    Skill Balance / Combat Issues
    I chose combat/skill, though i it might be more of a bug/lag issue.
    Quite a lot of time while fighting, i end with abilities not activating or activating on delay.
    Ground targetted skills like volcanic rune are especially susceptible to this, i press the skill button and then click attack button to launch it, and all i get is a light attack on the ground.

    Weapon switching is also way to slow/clunky/unreliable, when i press a button to switch weapon and then another to attack, it should switch the weapon, then attack, not keep the old weapon and attack.

    The way skills are queued is weird, the combat system seems unable to decide whether to do actions in order i press buttons, or just the latest i pressed, pick one, and stick to it.

    Lastly, dodge and block/interrupt need looking into, block is way too delayed, and interrupting a cast can sometimes take almost a second (press block, wait for block animation to finish, then interrupt), and dodging melee attacks is all but impossible, with npc's following you like glue while in mid swing (sometimes not even bothering to move their legs).
    Also, LoS should be looked into, it's annoying when thrown daggers and arrows go through rocks and walls to hit you (also bit annoyed by arrows curving to follow you, but i understand why (game balance/lag issues) they may have decided to do that).
  • Lupinemw
    Okay folks why is this in the crafting section?

    Yes one of the questions mentions crafting but the majority is about game elements apart from crafting. I seem to be asking this question a lot. I don't understand why people feel that the crafting area is the default zone for every stupid Poll they feel the need to ask.

    Unless people missed it, the game is less than a month old and is still being changed. If it was like Lotro and had been around for years so of the complaints would be justified.

    People also complain about the fact that Zenimax isn't listening to the players. The vocal players are the vocal players of any nation as in very small minority. A huge amount of the player base will never post on a forum because of various reasons.
    EU Casual Mature Daggerfall Covenant Guild

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  • Obreck2b14_ESO
    Bots and Gold Farmers
    They need to zap all the bots farming the public dungeon bosses asap.

    And do it on an individual basis, none of that ineffective once a month mass group banning crap. Does no good if the farm bots are allowed free reign for weeks at a time before being disposed of. They've already moved mountains of gold by that point.
    2h weapons impossibly large to wield? Sure! Tight, creaky leather that inexplicably improves your stealthiness? Absolutely! Absurd, liability prone plate designs? So long as they're concealing and no molded chest then A-ok! Skimpy armor? THAT'S UNREALISTIC! <_<
  • Graogrimm
    Other (Please Specify)
    Because the developers are specialized in specific fields, they have to fix their speciality. So everything has to be fixed, becaues it is not possible to focus on one topic. I don't want a world designer fix quest issues! ;)
    Edited by Graogrimm on 25 April 2014 11:03
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