Disconnect EU server Frequently

Soul Shriven
gave up before 6-8 month(was no problem with connection just some lag)

I start ESO by 1 week, normally was playing on NA server, amd now want try EU, so my latency is 90-100 almost all the time, NA ping was 300. And fps at 60. With ultra setting. But there is huge problem. Disconnect randomly. At the middle of pvp/ dolmen or dungeon. İts crazy. No lag but disconnect. All player stun on my screen some times latency go 999+ sometimes no lag but DC at the end. I set game low setting and same issue. Dc and DC sometimes in 1 hour 4 dc sometimes 2 but really bored. Test my connection and have no problem, also play another mmmorpg( Black D...)have no problem. When ı gave up game ever never DC. But really am so mad, what changed, cant fix it. Game is almost unplayable, also give money for this game. please anyone have any idea help me fix. Am afraid que groups
  • ZOS_Bill

    If you've not done so, we recommend the connection troubleshooting linked below as a starting point for fixing these disconnections.

    Connection Troubleshooting - Technical Support - The Elder Scrolls Online
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • tnrtrts
    Soul Shriven
    So sorry but I did all about, at link, and also port forward but nothing change
  • ZeroDPS
    tnrtrts wrote: »
    So sorry but I did all about, at link, and also port forward but nothing change

  • LarsS
    If you use addons try without them.
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • tnrtrts
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah try that, 2 dc in 40 min without any addon, test lots of stability connection no error, any time randomly DC and its unplayable, and weird thing that: when my layency 90-100, my character stop response, no swap/ no skıll use just run lıke a cat, and without any lag disconnect to mu login screen, and error: make sure you have a valid connection, hey dude sorry bu I have connection🤗
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