Why does the game mislead you concerning the look of crafted items ?


i've made my peace with no armor preview, also i still hope it will be implemented one day.

What i don't get is why there are misleading pictures on the tooltips for crafted armor.

I wanted the gildsmith to craft a chest armor for me.
To know what it would look like i went to the smithing station, unchecked "have knowledge" and looked at the different styles. You can see the item as a little picure in the tooltip or in the craft-window.
I chose the calcinium bosmer chest because of the nice green colour.

So my gildie crafts it for me and what do i get back ?
A grey lump of armor.

If i wanted grey i had chosen another armor, i wanted the green one ^^.

So - to come back to the title - why are there misleading pictures in the tooltips ?
I want to be able to see beforehand what i order from my crafters.

  • taylorwilenskiub17_ESO
    I have not and will not make peace with the no armor preview. It's actually ridiculous that it wasn't implemented at launch. Especially since Zenimax kept pushing how they want players to feel unique and different...if they actually meant that they would have realized that some players will choose armor based on its look and not entirely on its stats...and the best they give you is a pathetic little picture above the piece.

    I've had multiple occasions where I've crafted multiple pieces of armor to see which ones I liked best because the little picture doesn't give an accurate depiction. Seeing as armor changes as you level higher, I don't feel that I should have to do this all the time and waste mats. Get your friggin' heads on straight Zenimax. I love this game and I understand it is only launch, but there are so many simple features that should have already been implemented in this game.
    Edited by taylorwilenskiub17_ESO on 20 April 2014 14:06
  • Salsadoom
    Patience, the game just came out, they will be adding tons of new content and new features as things mature. Post like this will help them determine what the next items should be.
  • Beryl
    After crafting multiple gear sets I got a feeling that they are usually more pale/grey than pictures on the crafting panel. And usually the item's colour approaches the advertised one as you upgrade it. When I crafted a set of Ancient Elf light armour I could not recognise it. At "purple" quality the robe became dark enough to look attractive to me and it is darker than the "blue" other items. I guess that the "gold" version would be perfect dark green as I expected it to be, but I don't want to waste the legendary upgrade items for this V2 set.

    Colours aside, sometimes even the shape of the crafted item has nothing to do with the small picture of it. An example is an Ancient Elf staff. On the picture it has a very thick top, probably coloured wood... Don't know. The version I crafted has a more elegant ornament with a bright shiny stone (ok, not so shiny after several upgrades :( ).

  • LadyInTheWater
    The level 1 Nord armor I crafted had a different color than the level 8 Nord armor that I crafted. The level 1 stuff was grey, and the level 8 stuff was closer to black (although, I lost my glasses, and it could possibly be just a dark, dark grey, hehe).

    It's possible that all the crafted armor's color will be a little more varied depending on the items you use to make it, and the level that you craft into it.
    The moment you call someone stupid, or try to display your opinion as "fact", you lose all credibility.
  • Aria

    I believe you are right the tiers determine the look and lower levels are obviously lacking when it comes to visual aesthetics.
    Silver Dragon Legion
    "The adult, casual no drama guild you've been waiting for!"
  • Salsadoom
    I had to add one more thing, it's like internet dating, what you see and read are always so much better than what it really is
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    i wish they would add armor dyes
  • Kairagan
    Soul Shriven
    This is an excellent site for previewing gear. Yeah, they don't have everything up yet, but it's a work in-progress.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    I hope that they eventually change the look of gear after Dwarven. Only the color changes, and not always for the best... Ebon wasn't even black for me, it was goldish...
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