Purchased Imperial Digital Edition - Can't Access (Solved)

I pre-purchased a copy of the standard Elder Scrolls online for my wife and myself (one copy each.) I purchased it from Amazon. Once I realized that the codes were 3 days instead of 5 days, I canceled and re-ordered from the ESO website. The money has been deducted from my account and it says on both confirmation screens we can login and play. When I try to login, both accounts get a 103 error stating that we do not have permissions to play. I check the Billing History page and it shows our old 3-day access codes still attached, but not the 5 day early access or the imperial editions that we purchased from the website.

I have not received the new codes via email, but I have received order confirmations. Nothing is in the spam folder, other random folders that it could possibly be under, and nothing in the trash.
Edited by Gondrith on 30 March 2014 20:33
  • Chevie
    My boyfriend is going through the same now. He has sent in a ticket to support about it. He just purchased the Imperial Digital Edition, and nothing is showing up under his billing history either. Yet he did recieve an order confirmation and the money has been deducted from his bank account. I'm hoping support gets back to him quickly about it! If you find a fix or get a response from Support, please post it. Thank you.
  • Gondrith
    Definitely will be posting the fix when it goes through. I am on hold right now for the support and waiting on my ticket to be responded to as well.

    Paypal shows that it is still pending, but bank account shows funds have been taken.

    My guess would be that there are a lot of requests bogging the system down. I used to work for a customer support center so I know the trouble of having something really big happen with even full staff in the building.
  • Gondrith
    @Chevie I spoke with a representative and they said it was my 3-day early access clogging up the issue.

    They have created a support ticket for both accounts and had to have them escalated so that the old codes can be removed and the new codes entered in. They will get this worked on as soon as they can.

    I will just need to be patient and wait for the fix. :smile:
  • Chevie
    Good to hear that you have spoken to a rep! Hope it gets fixed for you soon! We are still waiting on a reply back regarding our situation.
  • Laplace
    Congratulations. You heard back faster than I did. :(
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