Forums won't change to english no matter what I try

They stay in another language. german I think. Clicking the EN link at the top of the page does nothing. Any ideas
  • Nehefer
    I was confused at first, too, but it's just a weird design choice. At the top of most options, you should see the name in English, then German, then French. This can't be changed, as far as I know.
  • xtago
    they have all 3 languages mixed
  • ZOS_JasonI
    Hey there, @abuniffpreub18_ESO. You're able to see all three languages on the forums, so you will continue to see threads in English, French, and German. We hope this helps clarify.
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  • Korah_Eaglecry
    The other languages are here to stay. Theyve made a choice to go with an awkward forum format. Ive posted about this as well asking for someone to address it. Im hoping that someone incharge of the website will take our requests seriously and give us a more simple traditional layout.
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    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • JPV
    Agreed. This is very distracting. Separating forum posts by language is pretty basic.
  • abuniffpreub18_ESO
    Ok, I opened one of the forums and did see all languages. Thanks for the responses.
  • Oscaldort
    Just want to add my voice (English speaking) to those who have requested NOT seeing all 3 languages in the forums. Why have a language option if you're still going to see all 3 languages? Too confusing.
  • raudfsfolley
    Toss in my vote for language separation. I thought there was something wrong, because all the forum topics were in German!
  • Censorious
    Or you could just learn to speak all 3 languages - then you won't miss anything.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Brewnix1975
    Thanks for clarifying i thought i got hacked
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