Werewolves are unable to resurrect other players whilst transformed

When in werewolf form, the prompt to 'hold F to resurrect' another player appears as normal, but holding F neither plays the animation nor performs the revival, regardless of how long you hold it. After transforming back into human form (whether manually or by running out of time) it behaves as normal. So far I have reproduced this 100% in multiple environments (dungeons, overworld etc.) and two of my friends both have the same issue. If it helps, we're all on PC, European server.

This has massive impacts on playing a werewolf in a group particularly in dungeons, and in particular it directly contradicts the 'pack mentality' design theme of the werewolves by making it unfeasible for an all-werewolf group to play through dungeons. If this is somehow intended, I feel it makes very little sense as a design decision and makes the werewolf feel extremely clunky and unreliable. It's also very confusing that the prompt still appears, as the first time I encountered this issue I attempted to resurrect for a very long time, thinking I was somehow messing up my inputs. Although I'd much rather see werewolves be able to resurrect, at the very least the prompt should not be appearing erroneously. Finally, I feel that a fix to this issue would have negligible impacts on the actual balance of werewolf transformation, and would purely be a quality of life change (e.g. this isn't going to make werewolves suddenly OP or anything).

Hopefully this can get fixed soon! This bug aside, playing as a pack of werewolves has been great fun so far
  • Chrlynsch
    Werewolves can't mount, use synergy, sneak, or resurrect. I don't think not being able to stealth or use synergies is right. I don't have an issue with them not being able to mount or resurrect. A werewolf resurrecting doesn't seem right. Though any enemy devoured not being able to rez would be nice.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
    Last I checked werewolves are able to activate synergies? Though I may be wrong in this, I'm pretty sure I've used the 'Feeding Frenzy' synergy while transformed before. Could you elaborate on 'doesn't seem right'? If you mean from a purely lore perspective then sure- although I disagree, I can see why you'd think that. From a balance perspective however, I see no reason whatsoever to arbitrarily restrict werewolves from an absolutely crucial role within dungeons. As it stands, being a werewolf in PvE is difficult enough without this issue in my opinion....
  • Chrlynsch
    LIIVI wrote: »
    Last I checked werewolves are able to activate synergies? Though I may be wrong in this, I'm pretty sure I've used the 'Feeding Frenzy' synergy while transformed before. Could you elaborate on 'doesn't seem right'? If you mean from a purely lore perspective then sure- although I disagree, I can see why you'd think that. From a balance perspective however, I see no reason whatsoever to arbitrarily restrict werewolves from an absolutely crucial role within dungeons. As it stands, being a werewolf in PvE is difficult enough without this issue in my opinion....

    You are correct they can use one group synergy.... feeding frenzy. No nova, no bone shield, no banner, no orbs, and the biggest no shards, no group synergies besides feeding frenzy.

    Correct I am coming from a lore perspective, I have a hard time thinking that a bloodthirsty beast of the hunt could stick out its clawed paw and perform a resurrecting spell, more likely to eat their fallen packmate.

    In pvp I like that one of my packmates must sacrifice their hunt in order to pick up falled wolves.

    I really dont see the difficulty of being a werewolf in pve to tell you the truth. It is possible, to run VMA with no deaths with one transformation. In all reality endgame dps isn't there with wolves and key abilities need fixed like pack leader passive and claws of life.

    If resurrecting is added to wolves I would prefer wolf chest compressions to a beam of light :)

    But before that I would hope that they would let the beasts of the hunt stealth.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • FluffyReachWitch
    That's odd. You'd think they'd at least remove the resurrect prompt or say our huge paws are too clumsy to hold out a soul gem.

    I'm not sure why we shouldn't be able to revive people though, as we can harvest materials. We even used to have tiny pickaxes for the ore. :smiley: But really, a balance of lore and gameplay are important. Lore is good, but part of the game itself is stopping to pick people up with a soul gem if they can't revive themselves, so I feel it's weirder when you can't revive someone when normally you could.
    I tend to agree that a balance is needed. As FluffyReachWitch pointed out, werewolves are already able to take some ridiculous actions, including as I recently discovered, lock-picking. The convenience of allowing resurrection in my opinion outweighs the 'silliness factor' of a wolf using soul gems. That said suggestions such as stealth and pack leader fix would both be welcome as well
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