Shadow Striping broken?

I got a Shadow Striping body marking from one of the crown stores, and thought, perfect! I have two khajiits!

But it's not showing up for either one of them. They're both white, one naturally, and one from being undead, so I don't know if that affects the markings or not.

My vampire khajiit without any body markings

My vampire khajiit with the Shadow Strip body marking

My non-vampire khajiit without any body markings:

My non-vampire khajiit with the Shadow Strip markings:

Edited to fix screen shots.
Edited by Runefell on 2 December 2016 01:50
Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • heyjrey
    Now that you mention it, I think there might be a visual problem with the Stripling body markings.

    I have one Khajiit and I had gotten that body marking yesterday from the crates. My Khajiit is a tannish color and has markings originally, and with the Stripling Body Marking equipped, it looks as if my Khajiit doesn't have any markings on her.

    On one side, I was okay with it because it made me realize I kinda want to change the appearance of my khajiit. But on the other side, now I'm wondering how the Stripling marking is supposed to look like.
    EP Home Faction CP: 800+
    Vivec/Trueflame/Kaalgrontiid: Home Campaign
    Delia Moreau - Khajiit | Stamblade | PvE
    Sloppy Thirds* - Bosmer | Stamblade | PvP
    Tazia Mouse-Chaser - Khajiit | Stamblade | PvE
    Waterfalls - Altmer | Magsorc | PvP
    Datwun Puffs Tuff - Argonian | Magplar | PvP Healer
    Rotting Thot - Altmer | Magnecro | PvE Healer
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    Jim Geezus Beam - Argonian | Magplar | PvE Healer

    Red Nirn Reserve, Diswun's Wares, Welkynd, SOB (rip)

  • Runefell
    I don't have the Shadow Striping Headwrap, but that doesn't seem to be working either, if preview is anything to go by.
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • TruthSeeker
    The markings are very pale; too pale in my opinion.

    I couldn't see them at all on my khajiit initially. Had to keep selecting/deselecting to spot any difference. They are very insipid triangular shapes.

    Not worth wearing, especially while the maximum appearance options are still not fixed :(
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