Transferring my account onto my Xbone!

When I got the updates installed this morning, It asked me if I had an account I wanted transferred to my Xbone, but despite doing what I need to do so, it didn't work and now I don't know how to get the option back up so I can try again. Any help would be appreciated as I don't feel like starting completely over on ESO.

I originally started playing ESO on PS4.
  • ArmaniZeShep
    No help yet? Well that is disappointing.
  • BigMac_Smiley
    That option was just for linking your eso account, like you email, and membership detail. It does not however transfer you characters. Eso does not offer account transfers at this time. They have only allowed one transfer so far and that was for PC user to transfer to console before the game was released. If you want to play on Xbox you are going to have to start over.
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