Unable to connect....

  • zeus52
    Soul Shriven
    ERROR 301 plz help
  • ProvenIconic
    Well I got to say customer service is excellent... after days of back and forth communication and me explaining the connection issue was fixed repeatedly, they didn't understand that after days of repeating myself that I mow get lag spikes I never gotten before this issue that happen roughly 20 times an hour (not joking) that last anywhere from 5 seconds to over a minute and can disconnect me from the game... they basically told me to leave them alone and told me to contact Microsoft.. which I had and they said is was an eso server problem not an internal server problem... great customer service
  • TheSmellyElf
    Soul Shriven
    Is there anyone else who hasn't been able to get past the Press A to start screen. I press A and i cant get past the Ring and the smoke background? Had this for 6 days now. I did play for 2 weeks before this all happened so what has changed?
  • sethfoster129
    Soul Shriven
    It's been days and I still cannot connect to either megaserver. It has become quite frustrating. Every once in a while I can get as far as the character select screen but from there it just gives me the error message that says that it's unable to connect and to try again later.
  • canadianeh1867
    Soul Shriven
    My problems started yesterday. I couldn't play for more than 10 minutes before is was kicked out (unable to connect to server). Today I was able to play for about 2 hours everything was great! Then I get a 318 error even though I had sent no messages. After that error I am being kicked out constantly.
    Internet connection is fine
    Nat type set to open
    Xbox is only 2 months old
    Power cycled the console
    Cleared blu Ray cache
    Reset router
    Tried the European server and still not able to play! It is very frustrating because I love this game.
  • Lord_Dark_Soul
    Soul Shriven
    This is BS all my ports are open my nat type is open 127 mb down and 12 mb up. I have hard reset everything my router to xbox. I've cleared my persistent storage. I have done with everything I can your game is broken please fix it. It has been a year since the PC release and it's been a couple months since the console release you still have them fix things that have been broken on the PC. You're uncaring of your customers you did not provide any support just give us some lame answers back that we all know don't work. You guys need to figure game and provide some compensation to the players. Or maybe people should start thinking about a class action lawsuit for not providing what we're paying for. I'm tired of dumping a bunch of money into a game they're not working correctly. I constantly keep getting disconnected can't attack, its lagging.
  • thebigtom
    This is BS all my ports are open my nat type is open 127 mb down and 12 mb up. I have hard reset everything my router to xbox. I've cleared my persistent storage. I have done with everything I can your game is broken please fix it. It has been a year since the PC release and it's been a couple months since the console release you still have them fix things that have been broken on the PC. You're uncaring of your customers you did not provide any support just give us some lame answers back that we all know don't work. You guys need to figure game and provide some compensation to the players. Or maybe people should start thinking about a class action lawsuit for not providing what we're paying for. I'm tired of dumping a bunch of money into a game they're not working correctly. I constantly keep getting disconnected can't attack, its lagging.

    Touble is, like many people have said, they couldn't give a *** now you've bought your game. I have this issue and went through the rigmarolle of emailing back and forth with customer services. They just give the same bs response to everyone and end up saying its not their problem its you. None of the devs ever give a response on here anymore they couldn't care less. There is never any mention of this problem in their official posts anymore, so we may as well give up moaning. I love the game so i just put up with the constant disconnects now. I hope they fix this issue but i'm not holding my breath anymore.
  • TheSmellyElf
    Soul Shriven
    make it 7 days now. might aswell give up as ive used every option possible and still stuck on the 1st screen!
  • amberdawn229
    I have been having trouble since the last update, but today I have been kicked every 15-20 minutes. Always says can't connect to server, please check that you have a valid internet connection, but my connection is fine.
  • Ravens-Sonata
    NA server - Still not working properly
    Connection is Slow and Lagging, games freezes and /or disconnects, Skills lag terrible then you get booted for 318, loading screens and map loads are slow and stick. And OH, No boss drops or Anchor chests?????

    XB1 all systems check fine - unplugged console ans router - all still tests fine - NO problem with Microsoft, NO problem with other online games

    I understand running 2 mega servers is alot - However ZOS should have known this and been prepared.

    Too many of us have spent alot of $$$ purchasing a game we cannot play properly and not to mention the Crowns purchased and ESO subscriptions.

    Plz -- Can we get these issues ADDRESSED and REPAIRED???

    Ticket Submitted Incident: 150814-002875

    This is NOT a console, ISP, router or Microsoft Live issue -- ALL tests and checks on MY end PASS
    Edited by Ravens-Sonata on 14 August 2015 18:38
  • themalorkus
    Soul Shriven
    I've been having this issue since I bought the game last Friday. Seems to have been a big mistake. Not worth it to play when I keep getting disconnected every 5-10 minutes. I'm on the PS4. Looks like this issue crosses platforms. Customer service has been of no use at all, referring me to Sony and my ISP. Either there's a conspiracy amongst Sony, Microsoft, and all of our ISPs to make ESO players miserable, or the problem is on the ESO servers.
  • knoughx
    Soul Shriven
    Wish I would have read this before I bought this game a little bit ago. I get kicked to the ouroburos menu on Xbone anywhere from an hour or so to every 5 minutes or so. The first day I couldn't get past character creation. Nothing seems to trigger it.
  • leonbsmith
    Soul Shriven
    I've got this problem happening to I've just got the game I've spent all day trying to play but just keep getting kicked when I go to a loading screen every disappointed.
  • cmorning
    We had these problems last week. After the server maintenance the other day it was fine. Now the exact same problems are back this morning. Come on guys fix this.
  • Edwardgoodmanb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I've been having issues all week with error 301 thought it might pass, I use my xbox with a cabled hot spot adapter.

    I tried unplugging it and running the game from a restart and it seems to have worked.

    Basically long story short run it via wifi and you might have a bit of luck.

    Happy gaming and hope this helps
  • luthrower66
    I'm able to connect, but every time I use a wayshrine I'm getting kicked off. Same as last weekend.
  • KarmaBTehDood
    This just started happening again for me..... =>. <=
  • schrodinger_the_Khajiit
    Long post but here it goes. I was being disconnected at 10 minute intervals (literally) on Xbox EU server. For example if the problem began at 12.09, I would then disconnect at 12.19, then 12.29 etc...

    I had a LONG back and forth email conversation with ESO support who eventually said there was nothing more they could do to help; this was after suggesting all their usual fixes which did nothing to help the issue. I then spoke with Xbox support and they assured me that since my live was running fine for all other games (including Destiny) the problem was on their end. Between myself, Xbox support and ALOT of guess work, we found the following 2 fixes would work for about a week before they needed repeating...

    Quick Fix (Doesn't alway work for me)

    1. Go into settings
    2. Block all voice chat
    3. restart console

    Obviously you know can't talk to anyone

    Alternative Fix (Worked for me every time)

    1. Remove your Xbox profile (setting > remove account)
    2. Delete the game
    3. Clear your persistent storage (settings > DVD & Blu-Ray > clear persistent storage) hit the option several times
    5. Clear Mac settings (settings > network > Alternative MAC > clear)
    6. Xbox will then tell you it needs to restart. So do that and unplug all the cables (including power box)
    8. Go and reset your router wait about 5 minutes then plug everything back in and turn on Xbox
    9. Re-add your user profile
    10. Reinstall the game

    Luckily for me since the latest patch my game is much more stable, only crashing once every couple of hours which I can live with.
    Edited by schrodinger_the_Khajiit on 18 August 2015 09:13
  • Grymligast
    Over at the PS4 side i've/we've also been having the "Unable to Connect to Game Server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection." for a the last few weeks.

    I'll post what I put there in case any one hasn't seen it, and it might be of use to anyone in the UK (or elsewhere)

    For those of you on Virgin Media in the UK. Are you using a Super Hub 2? The recent firmware upgrade they did looks to be a problem.


    I'll be grabbing a new router this week and sticking my SH2 in to modem mode for this to see if it works.

    I'll also post here if it's made any difference as I know some of you lot as well as some of us over on the PS4 side are at our wits end trying to get it working, and ZoS Forum Support on this particular occasion are about as useful as a chocolate fire-guard.
  • Ravens-Sonata
    Well Im not using Super Hub2 Not on Virgin Media -

    Im in Texas USA Have the same issues tho not as bad on the NA server since all this started on 8-7-2015

    Tho I understand in some incidences it may be a router or ISP issue, This many people affected across the USA and EU, you cant tell me its all the players issue ie routers//ISP's.

    I do believe that ESO CS should really look past the Players and check everything on Their end as this does now seem to spread across both of their megaservers.

    No way you can tell me ALL of us have router / ISP issues

  • Grymligast
    Well Im not using Super Hub2 Not on Virgin Media -

    Im in Texas USA Have the same issues tho not as bad on the NA server since all this started on 8-7-2015

    Tho I understand in some incidences it may be a router or ISP issue, This many people affected across the USA and EU, you cant tell me its all the players issue ie routers//ISP's.

    I do believe that ESO CS should really look past the Players and check everything on Their end as this does now seem to spread across both of their megaservers.

    No way you can tell me ALL of us have router / ISP issues

    "For those of you on Virgin Media in the UK" - My post doesn't imply to you then, only to these people where we know it's a known issue.

    But I agree, ZoS silence on this issue is pretty pathetic and poor customer service. Hell, even to say "we can't see anything.", but we're not even getting that.
    Edited by Grymligast on 20 August 2015 15:09
  • leonbsmith
    Soul Shriven
    this suxs iv done every thing as well still no change relay disappointing this issue has been going on for months now with all the money and support people put into this game you would think they could fix this error i don't understand how you can play sometimes then others not at all what a waste off time.
  • xpupustainsx
    So, I see that people are still having the same issues I was having for months. I finally got it fixed and have not had a single issue since.

    Open the following ports

    TCP / UDP Ports 24100 through 24131
    TCP / UDP Ports 24500 through 24507
    TCP / UDP Ports 24300 through 24331
    TCP Port 80
    TCP Port 433

    NOTE: if you have comcast, you must have these set to the IP of your XB1; otherwise it will not work. & put in your IPV6 address as well. Also do it yourself, as the 1st time the comcast guy put it to my PC and not my XB1.

    Make sure your NAT is Open (setting the ports should take care of this).

    Make sure that UPNP is set to on.

    Set your IPV4 setting to low.

    Set your IPV6 to custom and only block port 113.

    I also deleted and reinstalled esotu and reset the gateway. (just in case)

    I have been playing for 2 months with out a single issue so far.

    I really hope this helps.

    I went through a month of emails with Zenimax, just to be told that it was microsoft xbox live causing the problem. this fix was put together between all of the forum threads I was looking at so you wont find this in a single thread until now.
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