Stuck on the Long Lost Lore quest

So, I'm a level 5, and I made it through Ondil really easily. I psuedo-kite the things summoned by the portal to DoT them with Soul Snare and Searing Strike, using Stonefist to knock them down. I get to the final boss (I assume), Gutspripper, and I die repeatedly. I can sometimes *almost* kill him, but after noticing that all my armor is 0/X and needs to be repaired I see that I can't leave the area. Or at least I don't think I can.

So... I either need a really cheap way to kill him as a Dragonknight without any available skill points to spend, or I need a way to get out so I can level up once or twice. Any and all help is appreciated.
  • Self1sh
    Update: I found a way to trick him into running back and forth easily. I still just died, but I just have to keep my DoT's on him.
  • Self1sh
    Update 2: While he's running around a pillar, he keeps getting stuck when he's close to dead and respawning without counting as me killing him... I'm really hoping this is just random chance.
  • LastLaugh
    I've done this boss and he's relatively difficult for his lvl. I think level 5 is too low to have any realistic chance of success against him (though if anyone has managed this solo, well done.)

    I know there's no door on that dungeon but you can still leave using map>locations and clicking on a wayshrine. My recommendation would be to do that and level up a bit. You will be able to reenter the portal later from the Mage's Guild in Daggerfall.
  • Self1sh
    I actually WAS able to kill him, with all my items broken and at that level. I used the same basic strategy of jumping on/off his platform while he walks around to get at me. I eventually just stalled for Magicka while I stunned/DoT'ed him and got him as a level 5.
  • teaguewh
    When all else fails, try a restoration staff. Continual movement and any Mavis that stuns and/or hinders movement is great. I also like to use a bow with all 16 of my characters.
  • teaguewh
    (Spells not Mavis) I have 8 characters on North Am and Eu servers.
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