The Moonlit Path Quest Bugged

I'm on the "Defend the Silenar and the Greenlady" part and can't get the mobs to spawn so that I can kill them and continue down the path. There's a good 20 other people stuck on the same part running around as well. I assume the fact that there are people on the same part spread all over the map is what is causing the bug. Regardless, I'm pretty much unable to get to the next map until this quest is done so please post a solution if there is one.
  • itZ_Mr_Cox_2_U
    Soul Shriven
    I'm having the exact same problem. Still researching to determine, what to do.
  • SugaComa
    If other people are in there vet them all to group up leave through the portal and renenter, this will trigger the scene, if you arrive as some else has triggered it it has a knock on effect that prevents late comets activating it with out everyone leaving it will not trigger ...

    After sending g messages I got all 11 players to group up and it triggered dead easy we all stuck together then to complete the whole quest path ... Was really fun
  • CFodder1977
    I had to wait around until 2am when the problem child finally left. Good luck trying to do what Suga recommended. Trying to group in such a manner (especially on the PS4) is like herding cats.
  • RyuLevone
    I had the same exact problem when I did that quest (on Xbox), but fortunately there were two people in the area who got every single person to listen and leave the area, wait a bit, and then come back in. I was honestly surprised that they managed to get everyone to listen, but they did and the area was able to spawn in the enemies.

    There's also the way you did it, which is to come back on a non-peak time and hope for the best.
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