load screen stuck! ZOS please help me!

Soul Shriven
My loading screen starts to load into glenumbra, then stops and trys to load stormhaven. Can my character be moved, please anywhere into ebonheart or cyrodil just so i can get out of this problem.
North American server on xbox one
Character name: The Swine Flu

Please help!
Edited by qTHESWINEFLUp on 10 August 2015 04:54

Best Answers

  • NewBlacksmurf
    Sadishist wrote: »
    Uninstall and re-download ESO?

    No this doesn't fix the issue.

    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
    Answer ✓
  • Hanokihs
    Put your info here: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/205714/

    They'll fix it, eventually.
    "I haven't really played much yet, but lemme tell you all about how the game should include X and be a lot more like Y!" - Half the posters on this forum.
    "I've been here for years, and lemme tell you all about how they should never change or evolve Z, because then the game would be ruined forever." - The other half of posters on this forum.
    Answer ✓
  • Hanokihs
    I am aware and have been experiencing the "lost internet connection" crash, although my issue seems to be character related due to the fact i have no issue with my other characters. I have also noticed if i pull the power plug on my system and restart it i can log back into my others, my problem is this one is in between loading from one zone to the next and crashes every time (the start button fix wont even work for it)

    Please excuse my terrible english lol

    On my own account, some characters work fine, and others crash immediately or on loading screens. Loading screen transitions appear to be related to the current connectivity issues. This includes traveling between Wayshrines and crossing regional borders. It may be best to wait and see if their fix for this problem also helps your issue.

    Also, your English is okay; we can understand you. :smile:
    "I haven't really played much yet, but lemme tell you all about how the game should include X and be a lot more like Y!" - Half the posters on this forum.
    "I've been here for years, and lemme tell you all about how they should never change or evolve Z, because then the game would be ruined forever." - The other half of posters on this forum.
    Answer ✓
  • Sadishist
    Uninstall and re-download ESO?
    Xbox One - NA
    Sadishe - VR10 DragonKnight - DC
    Soul Shriven
    Not redownloading... ive read on forums that a character can be moved. Im just hoping its sooner than later
    Soul Shriven
    I am aware and have been experiencing the "lost internet connection" crash, although my issue seems to be character related due to the fact i have no issue with my other characters. I have also noticed if i pull the power plug on my system and restart it i can log back into my others, my problem is this one is in between loading from one zone to the next and crashes every time (the start button fix wont even work for it)

    Please excuse my terrible english lol
    Edited by qTHESWINEFLUp on 9 August 2015 20:09
    Soul Shriven
    Ok guys i have a temp fix for your characters stuck in areas like mine. Ive tested this on different characters of mine and a few other peoples and it seems to work. If you have a character stuck in a particular area and crashing everytime you try to leave you must power off your router/modem to reset any ports being associated with that character. Once restarted load your character and fast travel out and you should be fine
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