Load problems: Is it just me?

Soul Shriven
I have been having a lot of problems signing in and loading. Some times it tells me "unable to connect to game servers. Please make sure you have valid Internet connection." After struggling and finally getting logged in, if I need to load (fast travel or go through a new Area door) it pops up with the "may experience along load time." A message I have not seen first week of game release, shortly after receiving that message I will get kicked to the main menu every time. My Internet connection is strong and ESO is the only game I have problems with. Anyone know if that's part of the update?
Edited by AceOclovers on 10 August 2015 02:35
  • LadyDestiny
    This has been ongoing for many players. Zos is supposedly looking into the problem. I myself and many others have not played since friday because of disconnects, boots and "you need a valid internet connection" Hopefully something is done tomorrow during maintenance. :/
  • AceOclovers
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks LadyDestiny. I see ppl on the FL playing so I was thinking it was just me, sucks cuz Friday seemed flawless.
  • LadyDestiny
    Thanks LadyDestiny. I see ppl on the FL playing so I was thinking it was just me, sucks cuz Friday seemed flawless.

    Yeah, for some reason it only affects certain players. My husband and I can't play, but both my boys can still log in from Arizona and play just fine. :/
    Soul Shriven
    My main character is completely locked in limbo, somewhere between Glenumbra and Stormhaven to be exact! I have experienced the "need a valid internet connection" crash often the past few days, but usually i just quit out and restart my xbox, then continue on till the next crash. My problem now is it crashed on me while moving regions and now it loads up Glenumbra (i can see the backround textures forming) then tries to load into Stormhaven, then instantly crashes giving me no chance to even bring up menu to try and "get unstuck". My other characters are strickly for storage but will load up just fine and i can play..... BUT.... i have no inventory space for them or my bank rendering this entire game useless to me at the moment. So now my question is, what can we do about this issue?

    Yes, i have submit a ticket via web browser
    Yes, i have posted my issue in another "correct" forum page
    Yes, i have checked, and microsoft said it has nothing to do with the issue
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