You are or you want to be a werewolf and you feel the urge to howl at the moon before hunting in a pack some poor isolated prey?
Look no further, WOLVES OF DOMINION is recruiting players of all level and part of A Dominion alliance.
We will offer free bite for the skill, you do not have to pay for this, don't be a mug refuse to pay!
If you want to join our guild see contact below


Or contact me on Playstation 4 PSN MADCIBERKITER
  • ZOS_Alex

    We appreciate that you're trying to add to your guild ranks, but we noticed you already have a guild recruitment thread. As such, we are closing this thread. We ask that guilds create only one guild recruitment thread, and that they be posted in the appropriate Guild Recruitment forum area. You're welcome to update your original thread to put out a recruitment call. We wish you the best of luck in growing your guild!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Moderation Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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