No Achievements and a terrible excuse..

Soul Shriven
I originally took this to an ingame ticket but only got a giant *** you. (Sorry if my language offends you, but this is stupid) The first 3 times i tried to create this ticket i got an error saying try again later, so i waited a few weeks.

I came from pc to xbox one so that i could continue my journey where i left off, on the the platform of my choosing. We were given the option to transfer because of how many times console release got pushed back. While playing on the console i came to realize that all of my achievements earned on my veteran 6 character (time of transfer) did not unlock on xbox. Achievements like main story quests, fighters guild, mages guild, map completion, hell even level 50.. The response i was given was nothing more than a "Achievements from pc do not transfer and i have to earn the achievements on the console". This is what really angered me. I spent 80$ on the game, 30$ for 2 months subscription (which at the time was required to play) and then we had to another 20$ on top of all that just to get my character transferred. The point of the transfer was to continue where you left off as an apology for the massive delays of the console release. I even stated in my ticket that if this problem couldnt be fixed that i should be compensated for my time, which i still believe i should, 2000-3000 crowns which is only the price of the 2 months i had to pay for the game. I bring the problem to the forums so that others can see how big of a *** you, you have given the players who have invested the time and money into your game and that they might support me for a real change. I think its outrageous and i guarantee no one would have bought the game for pc (myself included) if i knew they still had to go redo EVERYTHING i have already done on the console they really wanted to play on. If i truly can not have the achievements i spent 2 months of time and money on then i deserve compensation for my time. Not only my time but the other pc transfers as well, its not even like everyone from pc was even able to transfer, we had to be eligible. All im asking is do whats right and award your faithful players with what they earned or compensate us for our time spent.

  • ZOS_GaryA
    Hey there @ricktunstalljrb14_ESO,

    We certainly understand your frustration, but we are closing this thread as it violates our Community Rules on demands. A carbon copy was not guaranteed with the transfer, and certain things such as Crowns, Achievements, Leaderboards, Guilds, Mail, and various other items were not included in the console transfer offer. We cannot unlock individual achievements for players, and we apologize for any frustration this may cause.

    We always encourage feedback, whether positive or negative, but we ask that all feedback is presented in the spirit of our community rules. Thanks for your understanding.
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