Mail Error - There is no player with that name - EU Server - XBOX ONE

I see that the mail not being sent is in the Known Issues thread. My problem does not quite seem to fit into that box. My friends and I cannot send mail. We are given the same "There is no player with that name" error that many others are experiencing. However, as you can see below, none of us have spaces in our gamer tags.

My gamer tag is Pr0jektile
Friend 1 : AngryKes28Co
Friend 2 : LeoKes624

I've tried sending the mail to the gamer tag, character name, while the player is online, while offline, and when in the same area. None of these seem to work for any of us.

This is definitely frustrating. Is there an ETA on a fix for this?
It is not your ability, so much as your willingness to do what is right that will set you apart from the rest.
  • jubal87
    Hey, hope you have found a solution to this by now but in case you haven't...

    Find your friend on your friends list or guild > select said person > choose "View Gamercard" > try to send the mail again.

    This worked for me for some reason. No idea why it worked but it did. Hope it helps.
  • snickerdoodle
    Soul Shriven
    jubal87 wrote: »
    Hey, hope you have found a solution to this by now but in case you haven't...

    Find your friend on your friends list or guild > select said person > choose "View Gamercard" > try to send the mail again.

    This worked for me for some reason. No idea why it worked but it did. Hope it helps.

    I had my friend try sending me mail using this. She said it worked. I haven't gotten online to see if I have actually received said mail but in theory, it works.

    Wonder why?
    Video games don't cause violence, lag does.
  • Ratbert
    jubal87 wrote: »
    Hey, hope you have found a solution to this by now but in case you haven't...

    Find your friend on your friends list or guild > select said person > choose "View Gamercard" > try to send the mail again.

    This worked for me for some reason. No idea why it worked but it did. Hope it helps.

    So I want to be clear on the steps. Do you have to start the mail, attach items, then back out and follow the above steps, then back out go back to mail then try to send the mail? Or are you starting the steps above and sending mail from the gamer card?

    I'll tinker with this when I get home I do appreciate the suggestion! This is the ONE thing killing me with this game. I can't send mail to two of my friends who I want to give things to all the time for researching, trade skills, etc. Bank/Bag space is bad enough without having to hold onto 40 or so items I want to give to people when I run across them.
  • Methadone_Man
    Thank you. This work around helped. Although the original issue remains. But I was able to view gamer card, back out, and then the mail would send.
    Gamertag is Methadone Man
  • Ratbert
    jubal87 wrote: »
    Hey, hope you have found a solution to this by now but in case you haven't...

    Find your friend on your friends list or guild > select said person > choose "View Gamercard" > try to send the mail again.

    This worked for me for some reason. No idea why it worked but it did. Hope it helps.

    Verified this works like a champ thank you very much!! I also verified you have to do it after logging out and back in. Also you can send each consecutive mail to the person after only going to the gamercard once so you don't have to view gamercard each time. While a bit of a pain, STILL better than nothing at all.
  • ZOS_LenaicR
    Hi guys,

    We are aware of an issue where some players are unable to receive in-game mail. We're actively working on a fix for this issue and this should be resolved by our next feature update.

    Keep an eye on this page to track the progress on our known issues.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on 8 July 2015 13:56
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    Staff Post
  • jayuk09
    Soul Shriven
    When is the ne t update
  • rrosecraigb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Just downloaded the update for Xbox one on July 28th and am STILL having this problem! It's very frustrating... Any idea on when it will be fixed??
  • RabidHellBunny
    Yep, I still don't exist either. Very annoying as people are trying to send me stuff for the guild. Also our main crafter can't receive mail either, he doesn't exist either. No spaces in our GT's.
    Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
  • Tallowby
    Hi guys,

    We are aware of an issue where some players are unable to receive in-game mail. We're actively working on a fix for this issue and this should be resolved by our next feature update.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    @ZOS_LenaicR Not fixed how about a new update on when this will be fixed?
    Tallowby's Crafter Aid ...... CONSOLE - How to run a DPS Test

    XBOX ONE NA - Guild The OTG (accepting applications)
    Arden Sul | Bosmer | Nightblade | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter |
    Tallowby | Imperial | Templar | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter | EVERY STYLE KNOWN!
    Freya Bolt | Altmer | Sorcerer | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |
    Wacko Smacko | Imperial | Dragon Knight | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |
  • jert14
    confirm this is still an issue and that the 'workaround' does seem to help.
  • Hindle92
    Soul Shriven
    This is a very annoying issue. Also, don't understand the need to use the mail to buy things from the market. I have to log out and back in to even get the item i bought.
  • Pr0jektile
    jubal87 wrote: »
    Hey, hope you have found a solution to this by now but in case you haven't...

    Find your friend on your friends list or guild > select said person > choose "View Gamercard" > try to send the mail again.

    This worked for me for some reason. No idea why it worked but it did. Hope it helps.

    Thank you, jubal87. This does seem to work case by case. I will use this in the meantime, but want to keep a fire lit under developers as this is a very basic feature to an MMO and should function by now.
    It is not your ability, so much as your willingness to do what is right that will set you apart from the rest.
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