Cyrodiil - getting stuck in objects

Are you guys going to sort it? It's really annoying. I've got stuck being dismounted in water near Bloodmayne. When stealthed on a keep and then walking off and getting stuck on a part of the wall. I was fixing the keep wall from above and got stuck in the middle when the wall got more health. And last night I saw some poor guy stuck in the bridge near Chalman farm :s

Please fix this in Imperial City!
previous gamertag - DanielChapman89
  • Pazz_
    I've had this in a keep wall.

    Luckily , EB were attacking and a sole player walked up to me, chained my way out to him :D
  • Reverb
    If console is anything like PC, stay away from shallow water. I've seen some funny things go down when entire groups were stuck in those small pools.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
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