Accessing the other alliance zones for storyline

Soul Shriven
I have recently completed the story line as far as I can tell(No more main story lines popping up). I have also achieved VR1. I'm curious because I thought that completing these things would allow me to go to the other regions and play through their storyline. What am I missing?

Thanks in advance,
  • Mordant61
    go to the harborage and talk to caldwell.
  • tangentx
    Soul Shriven
  • tangentx
    Soul Shriven
    Well maybe that was a hasty thanks. Caldwell has nothing to say. Maybe its glitched?
  • waco61
    Soul Shriven
    im having a similar problem done aldmeri then ebonheart but harbourage in stonefalls is empty, all quest lines in both domains finished, cant get the daggerfalls to start,
    ive already done this with a different character starting from daggerfalls with no problems
  • Enodoc
    @tangentx Have you completed "God of Schemes", which is Chapter 6 of the Main Quest? As soon as you finish that one, Cadwell should give you "Cadwell's Silver" and tell you to go to the next alliance zone.

    @waco61 Check the "Cadwell's Almanac" section of the Journal - this lists everything you need to do to finish the quest. Once you have completed all objectives in Cadwell's Silver, you have to go back to your original Harborage to end the quest and start the next one.
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  • tangentx
    Soul Shriven
    I believe my issue is that I completed the God of Schemes quest, but for some reason it doesn't think I did. I may have to send an email to support unless anyone has an idea.

    Thanks again for all the help
  • waco61
    Soul Shriven
    thnx enodoc will get on it
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