Help my friend

Ghello guys,
A friend has got eso yesterday, he hasn't an account yet but he don't know wich class/race/everything to choose, he likes stealth and mages. Does anyone have a suggestion.
Character: Skjorff Chilheart the WolflikeTankyswankyhulk, BLOOD FOR THE PACT
Guild: The Eet-Team
Pc Eu server
Skooma is bad, and beer is bad also, so don't do drugs kids, they are bad, skooma is bad
  • Turelus
    Light Armour Nightblade with Destruction Staff.

    Nightblade will give you access to some interesting stealth skills and spells (most class skills are Magkicka based and count as spells). You can then boost the damage of these with light armour, and use a Destruction Staff to gain more mage like attacks with elemental damage, and further enhance this with spells from the Mage's Guild skill line.

    This should give him the kind of gameplay he's looking for.


    As for race, I personally always choose the race I want to play because I like their lore/look. If you want to use the above but be more power gaming about it the following are good options.

    Dunmer (Dark Elf) - More max Magicka/Stamina, Fire resistance &Fire Damage.
    Altmer (High Elf) - More max Magicka, Magicka Regen & Elemental Damage.
    Breton - More max Magicka, spell cost reduction, spell resistance.

    Khajiit - Better sneaking and stealth attacks
    Bosmer (Wood Elf) - Better sneaking and stamina.

    *Edit 2

    You can check this wiki for updated skills for class/weapons/race to have a look if your friend would like the ideas I put forward.
    Edited by Turelus on 15 March 2015 10:38
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • pepperybrine
    Thnx, i think he will like it
    Character: Skjorff Chilheart the WolflikeTankyswankyhulk, BLOOD FOR THE PACT
    Guild: The Eet-Team
    Pc Eu server
    Skooma is bad, and beer is bad also, so don't do drugs kids, they are bad, skooma is bad
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